Chapter 11

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Evan was depressed, he walked into the firm so he could start his day, but he wasn’t feeling it. It hurt to think about Drew all the way in New York and him here, but that wasn’t the only thing that had him depressed, he wanted to see Andrew, he knew the older man was back at the apartment thanks to David who had texted him, letting he know that Andrew had gotten there yesterday, what are the odds of Evan leaving a few hours before Andrew had gotten there, it was like it wasn’t in their destiny to be together. He knew he had to be strong, since Andrew was there but he hadn’t ask for Evan, if he did Drew would’ve already call Evan to let him know. The only explanation was that Andrew didn’t want him, that almost made him cry, but he held the tears in, he wasn’t about to cry in an office full of people.

So he need it to sack up and be a man. Even if inside he was a broken man, no one needed to know that.

David had also asked Evan if it was ok with him if he asked Drew out, the idea of his ex-boyfriend and his best friend getting it on was a bit disturbing but he also knew Drew wasn’t gay it wasn’t alarming, the worst that would happen would be, Drew punches David and his ex would be sporting a nice black eye, so he gave David the green light.


Andrew was quiet as he thought of ways to get Evan back; honestly he wasn’t the most romantic man out there. Hell on his last few anniversaries with his ex, he had gotten her socks, a teaser gun oh and his best yet a cooking book. Yeah not romantic at all, but he had to think of something.

This was Evan and he wanted him back, he wanted their relationship to be full of romanticism so they could show all their love for each other, that is if Evan even loves him the way Andrew loves him.

He sighs as he spots the blinking light, alerting him to buckle your seat belts as they were getting ready to land.

His nerves went up as the plane started to slow down more and more.

Should I get him flowers? Chocolates? A ring? Shit what the hell do I get him? A shirt? A cell phone? A new car?  I’m helpless, Andrew sighs as he thinks that, he was helpless, why the hell didn’t he bring Drew with him? His son would’ve known what to get Evan.


As he walks out of the plane into the busy airport, he took out his cellphone with his free hand and clutches his overnight bag with the other.

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