Chapter 10

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A/N'S~For all those who's been asking for this, enjoy! It's a short one but I'm need it to post this! Off to work I go!


Evan sighs as he drinks his beer, he got back from L.A that morning and he got tired of Drew’s constants questions, are you ok? Is there anything you want? Evan you can cry if you want you know.

He knew Drew was only looking out for him but, Evan couldn’t handle his mother hen tendencies, so he told him he needed some air and now he was sitting here on a bar stool, he was hurting and he wished the pain would go away already, he wonder why it was hitting him this hard, his passed break ups weren’t this painful so why was he having a hard time getting over Andrew?

Because I love him, the real thing, the- can’t breathe without you real love- the I’m willing to climb the highest mountain for you- real love.


He sighs as he gestures the bartender for another one, he lost count of how many he had already but he didn’t care, he need it this and fuck whoever judges him.

‘’Evan?’’ Yeah just what he need it, as he turns towards the owner of the voice, he found himself gasping, David looked horrible, he had dark rings around his eyes as if he hadn’t been sleeping, he seemed skinny also.

‘’David, are you ok? You don’t look so good.’’ Evan questions with concern.

David looks around the bar, he seemed out of character and Evan wonders why?

David always seemed confident, and obnoxious, as he remembers how David was; he also wonders what he ever seen in the man, why was he infatuated with the closet man?

‘’Well if by ok you mean, that I’m broke and homeless, than I’m just peachy.’’ David responds in a monotone voice, his face was blank void of any emotions.

‘’What do you mean homeless?’’ Evan frowns as he questions David.

‘’I broke off my engagement, and came out to my family, it turns out, they hate the idea of having a homosexual for a son, so they cancel all my credit cards, and they took my car away, I’m broke Evan.’’ David explains and Evan’s chest grew a bit tight, he knew how rejected David must be feeling, the pain that’s caused by your own family turning their backs on you just because you can’t help who you love.

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