Chapter 9

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Evan and Drew went to a hotel for the night; Evan refused to go to a home he had been forbidden to ever step foot in.

He had called the douchebag he called father and let him know he was in town and that he will see him at the funeral in the morning. He wasn’t disappointed when he didn’t even reply back.

He and Drew didn’t speak at all, Evan needed silence and Drew understood.

Evan thought about his mother, did she suffer when she died?

Did she even realize she was by herself? Evan couldn’t help but blamed himself, in a way it was part his fault, he knew how his mom was suffering, and even though he didn’t know why, he should’ve at least made an effort to help her, get her some help, talked her into going to a rehab center. But instead he turns his back on her when his dad kicked him out, telling him he wasn’t welcome in their house. His mom was too drunk to realize her only son was being shunned for being gay. He always had assumed his mother had shared the views as her husband.

‘’Evan, are you ok?’’ Drew finally questions in a whisper, he had stayed quiet long enough, but he couldn’t ignored the broken sobs coming from his best friend, it broke his heart at seeing Evan that way, his best friend was in pain and Drew couldn’t do anything to take it away.

‘’Yeah, I’m good.’’ Evan responds as he realizes he was crying, he didn’t even know until his face felt wet.

‘’It’s part my fault Drew, oh god I should’ve been there for her, I should’ve done something to help her.’’ Evan‘s voice was so broken and Drew got off his bed and went into Evan’s, he wraps his best friend in a hug and whisper words of encouragement, it wasn’t Evan’s fault and Drew needed his best friend to know that.

‘’It wasn’t your fault Evan, if we’re pointing blame, then we should point fingers at your dad, for kicking you out, for not helping her when she needed it the most, but don’t you dare blame yourself, do you hear me?’’ Evan sobbed more as he buries his face in to Drew’s chest.

‘’Thank you for being here with me, Drew you are the best friend anyone could ever wished to have.’’ Evan finally manages to say without breaking into sobs.

‘’Don’t mention it, I just wish I could do more for you.’’ Drew felt helpless.

‘’You’re doing it right now, I don’t want to be alone, so it’s a big help you being here.’’ Evan chided sadly.

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