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Hey all! So, in order to make this fit in the actual timeline of Martin and Lewis and not have it drag out for chapters before we get to the heyday of their partnership, I'm going to have to skip around in time a bit. This chapter will still take place at the end of 1946, in December (I have a bit of Christmas fever). The next chapter will pick up in 1949, the year Martin and Lewis got their own radio show and filmed "My Friend Irma," catapulting them into the motion pictures. I will, of course, fill in the gaps with the two and a half years that have gone by. Don't worry, nothing will have happened between Sandy and Dean yet, that is the point of the story after all. So please enjoy!

"WE'RE GOING WHERE?!" Jerry shouted, looking at his two partners in disbelief. Sandy was gazing at Dean, a shell shocked expression on her face. Dean looked at the both of them, the excitement on his face barely contained.

"Apparently Jules Podell, the ever so generous owner of the Copacabana Club, came to our performance a few weeks ago and was blown away! He offered me a spot this morning, told me to pack up and head right on over to the club to get a contract signed!" Dean shouted, nearly falling over as he backed into a dressing room table. Jerry let out a loud shout and stood up, grabbing Dean by the shoulders and kissing both of his cheeks Italian style. Only Sandy was quiet, gazing at both boys with a mixture of humor and apprehension.

"What's the matter?" Jerry asked, noticing her dazed expression. Sandy looked at him sharply, trying to hide the nervousness that was coursing through her body.

"The Copacabana Club is a big deal you guys. Only the best of the best play there," she answered. The past couple of months had been a whirlwind for Sandy; and while she was extremely happy with the success she had found, she still was very nervous about performing in front of large crowds. Though the 14th Street Club had been sold out every night since the comedy trio was formed, it was still a relatively small venue. The Copacabana was notorious for its packed rooms full of important and talented people, definitely a large leap from a small worn down nightclub.

"You bet baby...and now Martin, Lewis, and Lawrence are on top with the big dogs. These past few months really showed them!" Dean whooped, doing a frenzied jig. Jerry joined him, clapping and spinning around until he collapsed into a chair, laughing loudly. Dean grinned wildly, before glancing at Sandy. Her face had gone rather pale, and she didn't look nearly as happy as Dean thought she would be.

"Hey bout you go tell old Patty the news, and grab a couple bottles of Jack Daniels to celebrate?" Dean asked, his gaze never leaving Sandy.

"Sure thing Dino! The Copacabana!" Jerry shouted, oblivious to his friends as he skipped out of the room. Dean walked over to Sandy, taking her hands in his.

"What's bothering you pallie?" Dean asked softly, worry etched into his face. Sandy looked up at him for a moment, embarrassed to let him know how she really felt.

"I don't know...I don't know if I can do this Dino..." She answered honestly, turning her face away in shame. Dean looked surprised, pulling away from her abruptly.

"Well we can't do this without you're what pushed this team over the edge!" He exclaimed, looking at her incredulously. Sandy's eyes filled with tears, knowing that she was acting childish. Dean noticed and quickly softened, placing a warm hand on her shoulder.

"Hey now...what's all this about? You're one of the most talented kids I know, you were MADE to get out on that stage and perform. Don't let the big names and fancy titles get in your head, you'll perform just as well there as you would here," Dean said soothingly. Sandy smiled in spite of herself, gently placing her hand over Dean's.

"Thank you Dean...I appreciate it. It's just...I can't believe this is all happening! Just a few months ago I was a nobody, trying to make it at some shabby night club on the corner. Now, I'm part of a powerful comedy trio who performs to sold out crowds, and who's about to take on one of the most prestigious clubs in the country. It's a lot to take in...and it gets a little overwhelming sometimes I guess," Sandy answered. Dean was silent for a minute, before taking a deep breath.

"I feel that way a lot too. Keeps me up at night sometimes, and I just stare out the window for hours wondering how I got so lucky," Dean sighed, giving her hand a reassuring pat. Sandy glanced skeptically at him, her face shining with amusement.

"You're telling me that Mr. Cool himself is worried about performing?" She teased, smiling at him. Dean didn't smile back, and gazed at her seriously.

"I'm dead serious! I never dreamed I could get this far. I was just a skinny Italian from Ohio, with big ears and a crooked smile. I never thought performing would actually become a part of my life until I met Jerry. We didn't do so well in the beginning...and I almost called it quits, thinking that maybe I would just go out, get a low end job and raise a family. Thank god we started to improvise or the club owners would have booted us. And now here I am, the dispensable third of a comedy trio headed to superstardom. I don't...I don't know how to handle it sometimes," Dean spat out, glancing away from Sandy. The room was silent, with only the gentle ticking of the clock making any noise at all.

"Dean...I had no idea you felt like that. You always seem so confident and eager for anything, you're just a natural. I wish...I wish I had that talent," Sandy said wistfully. Dean smiled wryly at her, wiping a stray strand of hair from his eyes.

"Yeah...but then you bottle it up and it all sort of explodes out of you," he answered sadly, glancing out the window with reddening cheeks. Sandy looked at him helplessly for a minute, before holding his hand tightly.

"Dean...I want to make one thing clear now. You are NOT dispensable. I know Jerry gets all the attention because of his antics, but you're the genius that makes it all happen. Without the straight man, without your impeccable comedic timing, Jerry would be floundering on that stage. I know it, Jerry knows it, and the crowd knows it too. And your God Dino your voice is perfect! The harmonies you create are impeccable, and your pitch and tone are astounding. Your voice just fits perfectly with mine...I can't imagine singing duets every night with anybody else. Jerry has the jokes and I have the voice, but Dino you have all of it! You're the complete package, the frontman of this group. If we lost you we would be done," Sandy said firmly. Dean looked up at her, his eyes full of tears. Sandy was taken aback by his display of emotion, but let it happen, glad that he was so open with her.

"Thank you Sandy...I really needed that," he managed, wiping his tears away quickly.

"That's what friends are for," she quipped lightly. Dean seemed slightly put off, like he expected her to say something else, but quickly covered his disappointment with a smile.

"Come on...let's cheer up before Jerry finds us two sad saps sulking in the corner on what should be a great occasion," he said flippantly, standing up abruptly and walking towards the cupboard to get three glasses.

"Better get those for the road Dino. Those guys at the club weren't kidding when they said get packing. I ran into two of the reps outside. They're waiting for us, and they don't seem too patient. Patty says he wishes us luck, and to come back and visit once in a while," Jerry yelped, careening into the room. Dean's eyebrows flew up in surprise, quickly setting the glasses down.

"Guess we'd best get packing," Dean chuckled, escorting Jerry out of the room. Sandy looked around, barely able to form coherent thought as the world around her changed so rapidly. She quickly packed up her things, checking her bags over once or twice to ensure she had everything. She wished she had gotten a chance to say goodbye to Pat, he had been a real friend to her. Glancing around at her dressing room, Sandy took in the place she had called home for the last time. She knew there would always be a special place in her heart for the 14th Street Lounge; it had given her the big break she craved, and had introduced her to her two best friends in the world.

"Off to Copacabana," Sandy whispered wryly, before flipping off the light switch and heading down the hallway.

Well there you have it. A bit of a serious chapter, I felt it was time for Dean and Sandy to become a bit closer. A couple of notes, Jules Podell was the actual owner of the Copacabana nightclub in New York, one of the most famous clubs in the United States. Tons of great performers worked there, and Martin and Lewis became a part of that prestigious crew as their success culminated. Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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