The Premiere

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Hey all! Happy 2016! So, this is the last chapter that deals with My Friend Irma. The date is August 16th, 1949, the day the movie was premiered. At this point, Dean has turned 32 (one of these days I'll have to do a birthday chapter), Sandy is 29, and Jerry is 23. Sandy and Dean have been together for around 7 months. They will be living together because I feel like that's just something they would do in their relationship, even though it may seem a bit fast. There will be some innuendos and a few more mature references (nothing too bad), so there's my warning. Hope you all enjoy the chapter!

"Dean? Dean honey where are you?" Sandy called out, glancing into the bathroom mirror and applying the last of her makeup. She glanced at herself critically in the mirror, making sure every detail was in order. Glancing around, Sandy picked up her hairbrush and gently combed out her hair once more, making sure it looked absolutely perfect. Tonight was the movie premiere of "My Friend Irma," and Sandy wanted to look her absolute best.

"In the bedroom!" Dean called out, his voice sounding muffled, like he had something in his mouth. Sandy laughed and shook her head, turning her attention back to looking over herself in the mirror. Dean was probably stuffing his face with the tray of cookies Sandy had mistakenly left out from earlier. Dean had a major sweet tooth, and if it weren't for his frequent trips to the gym, Sandy wouldn't know how he stayed so thin.

"Your tie is hanging on the bedpost," Sandy called out, fiddling with one of her earrings. If she didn't remind him, then he would probably never get around to getting dressed. Dean wasn't a huge fan of large public events; he preferred to spend his time in the company of good friends or family. He had tried more than once before to wheedle his way out of attending a gala or press conference, and Sandy practically had to drag him out the door most of the time. However, this was one event that even he was excited about.

"You look beautiful..." A deep voice murmured, startling Sandy out of her thoughts. She glanced into the mirror to see Dean standing at the doorway of the bathroom, still only in his boxers and an undershirt. His hair was tousled in every direction, and his stubble was beginning to grow more and more apparent. After filming had ended in April, Sandy and Dean spent most of their time in the small apartment they had rented, enjoying their time off. There had been some interviews, and a few pitches promoting both the radio show and the movie, but for the most part Hal had left the two of them alone, content with the amount of publicity the two had reaped by making their relationship public. Jerry frequently came over, having rented a place of his own, and would often bring George and John along. Needless to say, it had been quiet for the whole lot of them, and Dean hadn't really placed too much stock in personal appearance when it came to shaving. Despite her constant teasing, Sandy had to admit that Dean was extremely appealing to her when he looked like this; and had shown him countless times just how attractive she found him.

"Are you planning on going like that?" Sandy teased, raising an eyebrow at Dean's nonchalant demeanor. Dean grinned back and walked towards her, placing his hands on her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder blade. Sandy smiled at him fondly through the mirror, placing her hands on top of his.

"That depends...this outfit is much easier for you to get me out of at the end of the night," Dean growled, placing light kisses on Sandy's neck. Sandy closed her eyes and enjoyed his attentions, wanting nothing more than to drop everything and spend the rest of the day in Dean's arms. Finally regaining her senses, she wriggled around in his grasp and turned to face him, brushing a hand through his hair as she did so.

"Yes...but then I would spend the whole evening attempting to control myself and keep my hands off of you," Sandy replied, looking at him pointedly. Dean winked at her and placed a kiss to the tip of her nose, wiggling his eyebrows rakishly at her implication.

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