Martin and Lewis...and Lawrence

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A/N The month that this story starts in is August of 1946. Enjoy!

"You could have told me Dino..." Jerry huffed, his arms crossed over his chest and a pout on his face. Dean rolled his eyes and placed a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"Whether I told you or not Jer... I would've done it anyways. It was a spur of the moment sort of thing. Besides, you heard her sing...she's astounding. I think she can really add to the act," Dean said gently, getting a stubborn glare from his friend.

"Plus she's pretty," Jerry said knowingly, looking Dean square in the eye. Dean shrugged, unable to meet Jerry's intense gaze.

"Yeah...she's pretty. But she's also very talented, and I think as a group we can make it big!" Dean insisted, looking at Jerry with an excited fire in his eyes.

Jerry sighed and gave a small smile. He knew his friend had wanted to get to know this girl the second he heard her sing, and was glad that they hit it off so well. They had just finished rehearsals for the night show, and it had been a huge success. Sandy was very funny, and her duet with Dino had been simply incredible to watch. She was a very sweet girl, and Jerry had taken a liking to her instantly. No, he really didn't have too much of a problem with their duo becoming a trio, he just wished that Dean had asked him about it first instead of throwing him for a loop that morning.

"Well I think she's great Dino. I'm glad to have her on board. Just don't be so rash next time, I'm your partner and your friend, I deserve to have a say in these decisions," Jerry said authoritatively. Dean clapped his hands and shot his friend a wild grin, obviously happy.

"I have a great feeling about this Jerry, I really do. And don't worry, I stop at a trio. Now let's go tell Sandy," Dean whooped, running out of the dressing room in a hurry. Jerry just laughed and followed Dean out, seeing an anxious looking Sandy waiting for them at the end of the hallway. Dean got there in a flash, picking her up and spinning her around.

"You made it kid!" Dean shouted, laughing as Sandy let out a small shriek of joy and held onto him tightly. Jerry stood in the hallway, watching the obvious chemistry between the two. Jerry had never seen his partner so carefree and happy in a female's presence, and that was definitely saying something. Sandy, for her part, didn't seem like she minded Dean's attentions too much either.

Dean finally set Sandy down, still holding her in his arms. Sandy was the first to notice this, glancing down at Dean's arms around her waist and blushing. Dean looked confused for a moment, before noticing the close proximity between the two and blushing as well.

"Hi..." He stuttered out, for once at a loss for words. Sandy just stared at him, unable to move or think as she stared into his beautiful chocolate brown eyes. Dean leaned in for a moment, like he was going to kiss her, but abruptly pulled back and let her go, turning over to Jerry with a sheepish smile on his face.

"Good to have you on the team," Jerry said kindly, quickly moving over to Sandy in order to prevent an awkward situation. Sandy smiled at him and shook his hand, her face still bright red.

"Thank you so much Mr. too Mr. Martin. You won't regret it, I promise," Sandy said firmly, still not looking at Dean.

"I know we won't. You've got a lot of talent, I have a feeling we're going to work very well together. And please...since we're a trio now, I think it's alright for you to call me Jerry and that knucklehead over there Dean," Jerry laughed, trying to break the formalities. Sandy nodded her assent, quickly glancing up at Dean with a smirk as he glared at his partner.

"Who's the knucklehead?" Dean muttered, before winking at Sandy. Sandy just laughed at the two of them, knowing that this was going to make for a very interesting partnership.

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