Valentines Day

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Hey all! Sorry it's been so long since I've updated! I felt the need to write a fluff piece since Sunday was Valentine's Day and all us single people can do is write about the perfect day with the perfect guy (call me a romantic :) Anyways, the date is February 14th, 1950. Sandy is now 30 (she's an October birthday, like me), and Dean is 32. This will in all likelihood contain A LOT of smut in it (tasteful smut...if that's even a thing), so you have been forewarned. Don't read if you don't want to see mature content. Dean and Jerry would have been filming "My Friend Irma Goes West," during this time period, and would have just wrapped up filming "At War With the Army," which wasn't released until December of 1950. After this chapter the story should be picking back up into the crew's skyrocketing careers, with important steps for Sandy and Dean up ahead. The couple will have been living with each other for a little over a year now. Happy reading and Happy belated Valentine's Day!

"Dean....what on earth do you think you're doing?" Sandy muttered sleepily, slowly opening her eyes. Her boyfriend had been attempting to wake her by kissing her repeatedly and nuzzling her neck, and his administrations finally seemed to have succeeded. She glanced over at the clock on the nightstand, groaning when she saw that it was only 7:30 in the morning. Sandy was not known for being a morning person, particularly after a long week in the studio, and had been looking forward to a relaxing weekend full of sleeping in. Sandy turned around to glare at a smirking Dean, who responded to her irritation with a wink and a chaste kiss.

"Trying to wake you baby," he shot back, trying to look innocent. Sandy rolled her eyes and raised her eyebrows, her brain still a little foggy from sleep. She couldn't help but smile as she looked at Dean, noticing his tousled hair and stubbled chin. Sandy found Dean attractive at all times, but he was especially attractive in the mornings, particularly when he was looking at her like he was in that moment.

"I got that Dino...I guess my real question is WHY?" Sandy retorted, still a little annoyed at him for interrupting her sleep. Dean smirked again and crawled a little closer to her, their faces only centimeters apart. His brown eyes were sparkling, and he slowly closed the gap between them and kissed Sandy deeply. Sandy instantly relaxed into the kiss, lazily winding a hand through Dean's hair as she found herself pulling him closer to her. The smell of Dean's cologne still lingered on his bare skin, and Sandy found it completely and utterly intoxicating...just as she always did. It had been one blissful year since they had started dating and living with each other, and Sandy couldn't imagine anything else she would rather do in her life besides being with the man she was clinging so fervently at that moment.

"Happy Valentine's Day," Dean whispered when they finally broke apart for air. Sandy looked at him in confusion for a moment, but her eyes slowly widened as she realized what he had said. A huge smile spread across her face as she realized what day it was, and she leaned in to kiss Dean again as passionately as she could.

"Happy Valentine's Day to you too," Sandy sighed, finally removing her lips from Dean's. Dean grinned and propped himself up on an elbow, moving himself to loom over her.

"Just think...about this time last year we were spending our first day in California, a brand new couple and prospective movie stars, unsure of what the future was going to hold for us on the West Coast," Dean commented, a far off look in his eyes. Sandy took a moment to think about it as well, amazed at all that had happened in the past year. Here they were, becoming the new hot thing in Hollywood after their first movie, and only a year ago they had been working the nightclub circuit in New York, unsure of their future in show business. Sometimes it was a lot to take in, but all Sandy had to do was look in Dean's eyes to know that no matter what the future holds, as long as they were together, they were going to be just fine.

"It's crazy isn't it? It all feels like a dream," Sandy muttered, shaking her head. Dean smiled and nodded, his eyebrows raising slightly when Sandy's contemplative look turned into a playful smirk as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

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