video diary's

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We had now been at the house for 3 weeks, and we had done 3 video diary's, i had also re-dyed my hair! It was kinda awkward because we didn't really know what to do or say, so we decided to just answer the questions, talk about the show, give shout-outs to our home towns (or in my case italy!) and be ourselves. Louis, being Louis, was absolutely crazy, and then you had me and Niall eating, the others were just acting completely normal. As the weeks went by and me and the boys done more video diary's, we got more confident and we all started messing around loads more. My favirote video diary was when we all had our onesies on, I think the boys expected me to get a pink onesie but instead I got one with the italian flag on it.

As for our dress styles mine was quiet casual, I never wore make-up unless I was on stage or in an interview because I don't feel the need to cover my face with powder and goo! Niall's was also casual, Zayn's was a bad boy look, Harry's was a hot kinda look, Louis liked wearing stripes and Liam's was smart. sleeping in the same room and spending most of my time with 5 boys had had an effect on me, for example, I usually am really neat and organised but since being here I'm always dumping my stuff on the floor. OH! I nearly forgot, tommorrows my 17th birthday! I'm really looking forward to it because I get to spend it with the 5 best boys in the world AND me and Perrie are going shopping! None of the boys know it's my birthday tommorrow cause I hate people fussing over me, the only one that knows is perrie.

Niall's P.O.V

Yay! Tommorow is my 17th birthday! I ain't told anyone because I wanna wake everyone up by screaming "It's my birthday get up now!", and plus I hate people fussing over me. I wonder when the other 5's birthdays are? But anyway back on the topic! And for dinner, I'm going to go to Nando's like I do every year but, instead of it being me and my family, I'm gonna ask Nia to come on a date with me. Also during the day I'm gonna go out and play football with the others, I've learnt that Nia LOVES football, she's pretty good at it plus she likes playing video games. We have loads in common, it's a shame that she never got to meet my twin sister. Mum says she died in a car crash when we was 3, as bad as it sounds we never visit my sisters grave because we don't want to bring back any  memories of the time she was in hospital hooked onto loads of machines and life support. But I look at pictures of her all the time and I have one of me and her on a shelf in my room from when we was on holiday the day before the crash, she looks loads like Nia and even has the same name (Nia Jane Horan)! Speaking of Nia, I think I'm going to ask her tommorrow if she wants to visit my family with me next week, I hope she will because my mum and dad really likes her I think.

Nia's P.O.V

Just as I had finished cleaning the room, Niall walked in.

"um, Nia?"


"I was, um, wondering if you would go on a date with me tommorrow night"


After that he walked out of the room with a massive smile on his face, I decided to call mum. Simon arranged it so that everyone could go home on the 20th of September so we could see our families, I was thinking about asking Niall if he wanted to meet up with me in Dublin over the week at home or maybe come to italy with me. I don't know why but when Niall's parents saw me they was a bit quiet so maybe I would get to meet them again, Niall's bother, Gregg, seemed quiet aswell. I wonder why...

***The next day***

Nia's P.O.V

I was rudely awaken from my sleep by Perrie shouting happy birthday, then Niall was up and running around in his boxers screaming "It's my birthday!". I was really confused as to why Niall was shouting that, and by the looks of it, the boys were confused as to why Perrie was shouting at me saying "get up birthday girl!", I think they was also confused why Niall was shouting it's his birthday too. Before I got a chance to ask Niall why he was saying it's his birthday, I was pulled out of my warm and cozy bed, force fed pancakes and dressed by Perrie! On the way to the shoping centre I told Perrie about my date with Niall, she was thrilled! When we finally got there Perrie dragged me in every shop there was until we was loaded with bags and had found my outfit for tonight, after about 2 hours I was starving even though I had had a massive breakfast. After a tiring day of shopping we got back and I started getting ready for my date with Niall, obviously I had help from Perrie because she done my make-up (it made my face really itchy!).

Niall's P.O.V

As soon as I heard a female voice saying "get up birthday girl!" I imediately woke up, jumped out of bed and started running round screaming "it's my birthday". When I had stopped screaming I noticed that all the boys were up but Nia and whoever that was screaming at Nia had disapeared, then zayn spoke up.

"uh Niall mate, why was you screaming that it was your birthday?"

"well today it's my 17th birthday but I didn't tell anyone because I din't want you to waste your money on me" I said that all really fast but they all understood me, then Louis joined in with the conversation whilst the others listened.

"Niall you ain't a waste of money, your a mate"

"yea but Lou, you don't understand"

"understand what Niall?"

I really didn't want to tell the boys about my sister but I'm gonna have to for them to understand,

"well, uh, I used to have a twin sister and we went on holiday one year for mine and hers 3rd birthday and, uh, on the actual day of our birthday we was in a big car crash" by now I was in tears, "I was lucky and only had a broken leg, memory loss and a few cuts and bruises but Nia had come out worse with 3 broken bones, memory loss and she was on life support. A few days later she died, to be precise it was 3 days after our birthday."

I looked at the others and they all had guilty looks on their faces, I felt like I was gonna have a breakdown. I felt bad about the fact that I didn't have any memory about what she was like because I never recovered any memory's, apart from blurred dreams at night about me and my sister. Liam spoke up after about 2 minutes of silence,

"Do you visit her grave on your birthday or, like, around the time of year she died as a tradition inbetween regular visits?"

"no because I don't visit the grave at all...I don't even know where it is"

"what about your parents? don't thay visit?"

"No because we don't want to bring back memory's of her in the hospital hooked onto loads of machines"

I looked over at Harry who had a confused look on his face, before I got a chance to ask him what he was confused about he spoke up,

"Mate, did you say her name was Nia?"

"yeah, Nia Jane Horan, why?"

"um, do you have a picture of her?"

"yeah on my bedside table here, why?"

"well, she has a picture of her and a boy that looks loads like her when she was younger, 

she said it was a friend she made on holiday over her birthday before she went to a care home"

As soon as he said that I dashed off to get my photo, could it be possible that my sister was alive? Could it be Nia? I mean, I know that my sister had a photo of us on holiday on her table, but we had to fly home the day after the accident then we got a call 2 days after we got back. Could they have got the wrong person? I handed Harry the photo then he grabbed a photo frame from Nia's draws, then a few seconds after he had sat there comparing the photo's his eyes grew wide.He started speaking but was stammering,

"u-um N-N-Niall, y-your s-sisters a-alive." 

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