oh god...

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I woke up and felt a strong arm draped over my chest, I jumped out of bed to see that I was indeed naked and the person in the bed was also naked. WAIT! who is the person in the bed? I pulled on my dress from last night and went round to the other side of the bed, shit! It's Louis!

"Louis get up now!"


"Get up now!"

"Crap! please tell me we didn't!"

"We did from what I remember, I just hope it was safe!"

He jumped out of bed and went over to the walk in wardrobe to put some clothes on, then I remembered, I don't do sex before marraige!


"Nia, you ok?"

"I've just had sesso (sex) with my brothers best friend, also my friend, that I ain't in a relationship with AND it was before I got married."

"well I can't return your virginity, but I can make it so we are in a relationship at least"

"che cosa?" (what)

"Nia, what I am trying to say is... I really like you. will you please give it a go at being in a relationship with me?"

"ok, one chance though Tomlinson, screw it up and you have me and Niall to deal with."

"ok, wanna lift to the hotel?"

"actually me and Niall have just moved into an apartment, and we need to stop at a chemist."


I gave him the "you know why" look.

"oh, Yeah, you need to check you aren't pregnant."

*****AT THE CHEMIST*****


"No I am not going up to the counter with you, I'll get noticed!"

"What, and I won't?"

"Just wear these glasses with this wig and speak italian!"

"Why have you got a girls wig in your car?"

"You never know when you will need it!"


i climbed out of the car wearing the glasses and the brown wig Louis gave me, this is soooooo awkward! I walked in and grabbed 3 boxes, you know, just incase one is wrong. The lady at the counter smiled sweetly at me, she only looked like she was in her early 20's!

"Hello, is that all I can get you?"

"sì grazie" (yeah thanks)

"si parla italiano?" (you speak italian)

"stai cercando un po 'di uno?" (are you trying for a little one?)

Seriously, why is she asking me these questions?

"Uhm, tipo di" (Um, kind of)

"Ah, bene, vi auguro buona fortuna!"(Ah, well, I wish you luck!)

What the hell is wrong with people? I walked away from her and back to Louis, as I climbed in I noticed a flash.

"Um Louis, what was that flash?"

"Shit papparazi" Louis mumbled.


"calm down love"

"How? we havn't even told Niall"

By now I was panicking, I mean, I don't even know if I am pregnant yet!

*****AT THE HOUSE*****

" arrivederci Louis, I'll call you later"

"ok babe, see you later. and call me straight after you do the tests ok?"

"ok, see ya!"

Before he went he gave me a sweet kiss on the lips then pulled away, he waved goodbye and drove off. I went into the apartment complex and into the lift, when I finally got to the apartment I opened the door to a very pissed off looking twin brother.

"Nia, please explain to me why you was at Louis' house last night, and also why was you seen at the chemist buying pee sticks?"

"Well oh so lovely twin of mine, I was drunk so I guess you know what happens, and they are not pee sticks, they are pregnancy tests"

by now all the colour in Niall's face was gone.

"You mean, you had sex with my best friend?"

"No, I had a naked tea party with him, what do you think?!"

"Was it safe?"

"I honestly can't remember, that's why I'm checking."

"Ok, just tell me the results"

"Ok, I'm going to get changed first thought"

I went to my new room, I walked into my wardrobe and pulled out some grey jogging bottoms that said live, love, life in italian down one leg in purple and a purple tank top. Then I walked into my bathroom and done the tests.



test 1---π 

test 2---√ 

test 3---√

Great I'm flipping pregnant! I walked out of my room and into the lounge where Niall was sitting on the sofa watching some program about food.


"What did the test say?"

"Sono un slut totale" i said


"I'm a total slut."

"Does that mean your pregnant?"

"No, it means I'm gonna poop out a magical rainbow, what do you think?"


"Niall, calm down! I'm going to call Louis and invite him round to tell him."



"Are you and Louis dating?"

"Yeah, I forgot to tell you, sorry ni-ni"


I felt really really bad for forgeting to tell my twin I was dating his band mate, I'll make up for it some how! I went into my room and text Louis.


YEAH, WHEN. XX---- Louis


OK C YA IN A FEW XX :-) ---- Louis


"Hey Lou, come in"

I gave him a kiss and dragged him to my room, I wanted to tell him in private.

"so what did the tests say?"

"It says I'm giving birth to a italian leprechaun in 9 months"


"Louis calm da flack down!"

"Ok, ok. when are you gonna see a doctor?"

"tomorrow, wanna come?"


And with that we fell asleep perfectly intwined in each others arms.

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