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I woke up the next morning to the twins screaming, they probably want to be fed! I carefully creeped out of bed being careful not to wake up Niall and went into my room, Louis was holding one baby in each of his arms and was desperately trying to calm them down.

"Nia I don't know what to do!"

"Louis calm down, they're probably just hungry."

a sleepy Niall came into my room.

"what's the matter with them?"

"uh they're just hungry"

"do you want me to go make a bottle?"

"yes please!"

he went down to the kitchen and came back within 5 minutes, me and Louis fed the babies and then I looked at the time. it was 6AM so we might aswell get up now seems as we have sound check at 10. Louis went downstairs with Carlie so i took jaiden to get dressed, I walked into his room and went over to his wardrobe. I walked in and imediately spotted a pair of tiny red jeans, I paired them with a striped top that matched the one Louis was wearing today and dressed him in those. I then went into Carlie's room and pulled out a white top that had a picture of some ballet shoes on it and paired that with some black leggins, I took them and jaiden downstairs and gave Louis the clothes.

"dress Carlie in those please"


he dressed her and then went into the hallway.

"Babe I need to quickly pop out, I'll be back in an hour!"

"where would you need to go at 7:30AM?"

"I don't have to tell you everything!"

he walked out the house and then Niall came downstairs, I strapped the twins into their bouncers and then went into the kitchen.

"hey Niall"

"heya, where's Louis gone?"

"I dunno"

"ok, Nia?"


"can you pwetty pwease make me those really nice pancakes you do?"

"no Niall"

"why not"

"because I said"



"am I gonna have to make you make me them?"

"how will you do that?"

"this way"

he dropped on the floor and started to rub himself on my sqeaky clean floor, he looked like he was having a spazz attack!

"ok ok fine, I'll do them!"

he jumped up off the floor.


"I'm only making them though if you re-bleach my floor!"


"damn you leprechaun!"

"your one to!"

"how did you know?!"

"I have my ways...."

I laughed and then started making the pancakes, when I gave them to Niall I went upstairs to have a shower. I climbed out the shower and dried my hair, I put on a white long-sleeve top with black leggings and a peach colour scarf. I didn't brother putting any make-up on apart from concealer under my eyes to cover the dark bags up. I walked downstaira to see Liam, Harry and Zayn all crowded round the kids.

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