Chapter 6 - 9

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Chapter 6

‘Hillary, what the hell is going on? Where was my back up?’ Cheryl screamed down the phone as she swiftly drove down the road.

‘I’m sorry Cheryl, there was a major accident in the centre of London this morning, and the place is grid-locked. There should be a unit there now, where are you?’ Hillary tried to explain.

‘I’m in me car, Kimberley is with me. We’re both safe, but there are still civilians in that building with those armed men, they have powerful shotguns. They said that they had someone at every exit. They were shooting at us as we left. I’m just heading back towards the A40; we should be back at HQ in about 40 minutes’.’ Cheryl was pumped full of adrenalin and was peppering a lot of information at Hillary as she drove at speed. 

‘Ok, Cheryl good job on......’ Hillary was soon interrupted.

‘What the feck?’ Cheryl screamed. 

A car had driven up alongside them and was trying to run them off the road.

‘Oh God, they have guns, Cheryl’ Kimberley screamed.

‘Get down; lie down on the back seat. Hillary we’re being pursued by gang along Harrow Road, they have guns. Can you assemble a team to 

assist?’ Cheryl pleaded.

‘Nicola is assembling the team as we speak; we’ve traced your car from your PDA. We will get a chopper up in the sky to assist. Do you know the area Cheryl? Try and elude them down side roads’

‘Ok, I need to concentrate; I’ll keep the line open. Just get us help, Hillary’

Cheryl took the next left down a quiet suburban street, it was a sudden move. Her pursuers had to perform a wheelie in the street to follow her 

path. Cheryl was a great driver; she had passed her police proficiency tests with flying colours, and had been involved in quite a few high speed chases over the years. She had always been the pursuer though, to be pursued felt quite different. Cheryl glanced in the rear mirror and caught Kimberley’s eyes; she looked petrified, curled up in a little ball on the back seat.

‘Don’t worry Ms Walsh; I’m a very experienced driver. They won’t catch up with us again' Cheryl was re-assuring herself, as much as Kimberley.


‘Sorry?’ Cheryl said.

‘Kimberley, call me Kimberley please’

‘Oh, sorry ok...oh sh!t, there are two cars now’ Cheryl yelled out, without thinking.

Kimberley closed her eyes tight; she couldn’t believe this was happening. She had read about what happened to Krystal, and was very moved by it, she had met her a couple of times, and she’d always appeared pleasant. When she’d heard about her release that morning, she felt so relieved. She never for one moment expected that she might be in a similar type of danger. She had awoken that morning with butterflies in her stomach due to the imminent filming her TV special, that feeling pales into comparison to how she was feeling now. She couldn’t quite believe that this was happening, but it was, she is now in a car whizzing along the streets of London being pursued by armed thugs who want to exchange her for vast sums of money. The only person standing between her and these thugs was a tiny Geordie police officer, a tiny beautiful Geordie police officer. She is incredibly attractive, Kimberley thought to herself, she was then quickly reminded herself of the urgency of the situation and snapped back to reality as she was flung across the back seat into the opposite door.

‘sh!t, sorry, are you ok? Cheryl worryingly enquired.

‘Yeah, yeah I’m fine’ Kimberly replied rubbing her head.

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