Chapter 32 - 37

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Chapter 32

Are you awake yet???!! K XXX

Cheryl rubbed her eyes as she tried to focus on the text message that had just awoken her slumber, she glanced over at the alarm clock by her bed, it was 6am, a whole hour before it was due to go off.

I am now….. ;-) x

She typed back, partly annoyed at being disturbed so early, but mostly with a warm feeling in her stomach at being disturbed by the one person, who could never really disturb her, a smile encroached her face as no sooner than the text had been sent, her mobile phone started to ring. She didn’t even need to check the caller ID; she knew exactly who was calling.

‘Hello..’ she croaked, a smile stretching across her face.

‘Hey there’ Kimberley replied, Cheryl could tell from her voice that she was also smiling.

‘What time do you call this?’ Cheryl teased.

‘Oh, sorry..I’ve been wanting to call you for hours’

‘Is everything ok?’ Cheryl’s relaxed and groggy state altered a little as she awaited Kimberley’s reply.

‘Yeah, everything’s fine. I’ve just got killer jetlag...and well, I miss you’ Kimberley pouted.

‘Aww..I miss you too’ Cheryl turned on her side, and faced the side of the bed that Kimberley had come to inhabit, ‘what time is it there?’ it was too early for Cheryl to be working out such things of her own accord.

‘It’s 10 o’clock at night. I’ve slept for most of the day, I feel wide awake now’ Kimberley half-laughed.

‘Aww..wish I could say the same’ Cheryl teased.

‘Oi  you! I thought you would be desperate to hear my voice?’ Kimberley pretended that she had been offended by Cheryl’s words.

‘Aww, I am, babe. You, erm, you actually sound so sexy on the phone it’s unbelievable.’

‘Just on the phone?’ Kimberley’s tone lowered a little.

‘ always sound sexy, you’ve got the sexiest voice I’ve ever heard’ 

‘Oh really?...So you think I sound sexy then?’

‘Yeah, I do’ Cheryl’s voice matched Kimberley’s sultry tone, she had felt aroused as soon as she had heard Kimberley’s voice. The fact that she was talking to her in bed, jogged her memory of their many exploits in bed over the past few weeks.

‘I’ve not been able to stop thinking about you all night’ Kimberley’s voice lowered.

‘Really? What have you been thinking about?’ Cheryl had a fair idea where Kimberley was going with this, but hearing her speak the words turned her on, she rolled onto her back and started to subconsciously play with the top of her pyjama bottoms.

‘Well...’ Kimberley laughed ‘I’ve just been thinking about how sexy you are..and what I would do to you if you were in this big king sized bed with me, or rather what you would do to me’.

Cheryl exhaled loudly, her heart was pumping faster than normal, and an all familiar feeling of lust was enveloping her body, and centring in one place in particular, ‘What, erm, if I was there, what would you want me to do to you?’ Cheryl whispered.

‘I can’t get the idea of you using your handcuffs on me out of my head. You know, tying me up and then you could do what you wanted to me?’

‘I like that idea, I like it a lot. When you come back, I’ll do that to you, babe. I’d love to dominate you’. 

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