Chapter 10 - 13

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Chapter 10

Cheryl returned to the living area after waving Nicola off and ensuring that all of the doors were locked, she found Kimberley sitting on one of the couches, when Kimberley noticed Cheryl enter the room, she straightened up and gave Cheryl a big smile.


‘Hey, I’m sorry about Nicola, she’s was a wee bit star struck I think, she’s a big fan of yours’ Cheryl said, throwing herself down on the opposite couch.

Kimberley laughed, ‘She was lovely..she thinks very highly of you’ 

‘Ah, she’s a good girl, we go back a long way’ Cheryl smiled to herself, she was never good at receiving compliments, they made her quite embarrassed.

Kimberley noticed Cheryl’s embarrassment at her compliment, and smiled.

‘So we are going to be here for the foreseeable future then?’ Kimberley enquired.

‘I think we’ll be here for the next few days at least, the team are working ‘round the clock with their enquiries, but I think you’re safest here. I know it’s not ideal, are you ok with that?’

‘Yeah. I said to Nicola, as long as it takes. I trust you guys. I’m sure you wouldn’t want to be stuck out here, wherever we are in the country’ Kimberley flashed a smile at Cheryl, ‘if you didn’t have to be’.

‘I could think of worse places to be in the world’ Cheryl returned Kimberley’s smile, then coyly fidgeted with the bottom of her top.

‘Oh, Nicola brought over some clean clothes for us, unfortunately she wasn’t able to get over to your house to get your things, just in case someone was watching the house, so God knows what she’s brought us’ Cheryl got up and walked over to the two big holdalls sitting at the side of the room. 

There was a bag for each of them, with basic essentials, underwear, pyjamas, tracksuits and t-shirts in each. They weren’t clothes for for a red carpet, but they were ideal for lounging about a house all day, which would suit them perfectly. Nicola had also packed in some basic toiletries and a small first aid box, which made Cheryl laugh. Kimberley joined Cheryl as they looked through the bags.

Wow, she’s done well, bless her’ Kimberley said.

Cheryl was a little embarrassed as she was sure that Kimberley would be used to more high end fashion, but Kimberley said that these were the types of things she normally wore ‘round the house.

‘I don’t kick about the house with my little black Chanel dress and Louboutins on, you know. These are ideal, I’m very grateful’ she smiled at 

Cheryl ‘Are you hungry? I could fix us up some food’.

‘Yeah, I am actually feeling a bit peckish now. I can make something though’ Cheryl began

‘Cheryl, please. You’ve already done so much for me please, at least let me make you some food’ Kimberley got to her feet and walked towards the kitchen, she had a quick look in the fridge, before turning back to Cheryl,

‘Erm, is pasta ok with you? There’s some chicken in the fridge, I could knock us up a simple sauce to go along with it?’

‘Mmm sounds lovely’ Cheryl replied licking her lips. ‘Well, if you insist on cooking, I’ll go and un-pack these things, and leave you to work your magic in the kitchen’. 

A short while later, Kimberley called Cheryl through to the dining area, the food was ready.

‘Wow, smells amazing’ Cheryl eagerly said.

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