Chapter 19 - 24

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Chapter 19

Cheryl rubbed her eyes as she felt herself drifting into consciousness, she stretched out in bed and turned to look at Kimberley, whom she intended to pull close for a morning cuddle. Disappointment rushed over her however, as she realised that she was in bed alone. She sat up in bed and looked around herself, disorientated, and checked the time on her watch, it was 09:30, she thought to herself that she better get up and get everything organised before they leave the house and embark upon their journey back to Head Office in London.

Cheryl stepped out of the bedroom, and looked into the living area, she couldn’t see Kimberley, but she could hear the clanging of pots and pans coming from the kitchen.

‘Oh bloody hell’ Kimberley sounded annoyed as she crouched down behind the kitchen worktop.

‘Kimberley, are you ok?’ Cheryl stepped into the kitchen, a little worried, and a little confused.

‘Oh, hi..I’m sorry, did I wake you?’ Kimberley got up to her feet ‘I dropped a pot’ she said, holding up the offending pot.

‘No, I was just wondering where you were’ Cheryl stepped forward a little ‘I missed you’

‘Aww I’m sorry’ Kimberley put the pot down, and pulled Cheryl into an embrace, they held each other tightly for a few minutes, Cheryl took in Kimberley’s scent, she must’ve just came out a shower, Cheryl surmised because her nose filled with the scent of Kimberley’s shampoo.

‘How long have you been up for?’ Cheryl pulled a little out of the embrace, in order to look at Kimberley’s face.

‘Quite a while’ Kimberley grimaced ‘I didn’t sleep very well last night’ she said looking down.

‘Oh my God, I’m sorry, did I snore..or sleep talk? I used to do that as a kid’ Cheryl was starting to panic; she couldn’t cope with the embarrassment of doing something silly in her sleep.

Kimberley laughed at Cheryl’s worried expression ‘Well, you did keep on shouting out my name, really loudly’ she was teasing Cheryl, but she couldn’t help it.

Cheryl’s face turned scarlet ‘You’re kidding me on?... No I didn’t’ 

Kimberley looked at her with a serious expression on her face, she wasn’t able to talk for fear of giggling, so instead just nodded her head solemnly.

Cheryl broke free from the embrace and started to walk away from Kimberley with her head in her hands ‘Oh, Kimberley. I’m so embarrassed’ she began.

Kimberley couldn’t hold her giggles in any longer, she began to laugh, heartedly ‘Cheryl, I’m only kidding. I just couldn’t sleep...but your face was a picture then’

‘I can’t believe you?!’ Cheryl laughed, her face still scarlet ‘I was mortified there’.

‘Aww, I’m sorry’ she pulled Cheryl back towards her and gently kissed her on the forehead before wrapping her arms around her tiny frame and capturing her in a warm embrace.

‘Listen, why don’t you go and get ready, and I’ll make you some breakfast’ she patted Cheryl’s pert bum playfully.

‘Ok, well I think that’s the least you can do after teasing me like that’ Cheryl looked up at Kimberley, her dimples beaming, ‘then we need to get everything packed up and tidied’.

‘Erm, excuse me. Look around Detective. I’ve cleaned up already. Our belongings are all packed. I’ve left out some essentials for you in your bathroom’

Cheryl looked around, she had been so busy concentrating on Kimberley, that she didn’t notice that the house was spotless. Two overnight bags sat at the door, Kimberley had been busy.

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