Chapter 38 - 39

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Chapter 38

Kimberley posted her statement on her website that afternoon, her team told her that the site had received so much traffic that extra servers had to be used, she became the top trending topic worldwide on twitter, and was headline news on all major news bulletins and news papers.

‘Wow, I didn’t expect people to be *that* interested’ Kimberley exclaimed, exhausted after her millionth phone call from her publicist.

Cheryl turned to look at her, eyes wide, in shock, she wasn’t quite sure what to say, she felt very overwhelmed by the reaction to Kimberley’s news.

‘I knew you were famous, babe, but this is another level!’

Kimberley sighed, worried that Cheryl was feeling intimidated by the sudden furore, ‘It will die down, babe. Chip wrapper stuff tomorrow’ Kimberley laughed.

Cheryl smiled, she realised that Kimberley was trying to placate her.

‘Look, I’ve been asked to do an exclusive interview with the Guardian newspaper for their Saturday edition. I think I’m going to do it’ Kimberley looked up at Cheryl for approval, ‘One of their journalists used to work with the band, so I know that it will be a balanced interview’.

‘Of course, babe. If that’s what you want to do’.

‘Is it ok if I mention that I’m seeing someone...I won’t name you obviously, but I just want to say that I’m very happy with my personal life, you know?’

‘You don’t think they’ll be able to work things out?’ Cheryl enquired.

‘No, well, I can work out a deal with the press, and I can talk to my lawyers about what I do and don’t want out there in the public domain’.

‘If you’re sure, babe. To be honest,  all I can think about at the moment is making sure you’re happy, and wanting to catch Bruce. I won’t be happy until he’s behind bars.’

Kimberley sat down next to Cheryl and took her hand, ‘I had actually forgotten all about that for a second...’

‘Sorry, I shouldn’t have reminded you’

‘No,’re right. We need to get this situation sorted so that we can get on with the rest of our life together’.

‘Yeah’ Cheryl smiled, reaching forward and catching Kimberley’s lips.

‘Right, when are you doing the interview?’ Cheryl broke free, and spoke with determination.

‘Jen is coming here later on today, and then she’ll come with me tomorrow for rehearsals’


‘Yeah, the award ceremony, it’s been re-scheduled for Saturday night’

‘Oh right..I’m going to need a full itinerary of what your plans are for the next few days, Kimba. Need to make sure I can provide you with enough protection’

Kimberley smiled reluctantly, ‘sure, I’ll get Lily to forward that to you...are you worried?’

‘I’m always worried, it’s my job’ Cheryl smiled, ‘I just want to be prepared’.

‘I was hoping that you would come with me, well, be at my table’

‘Babe, of course I’m going to be there. I’m going to be following you around like a bad smell for the foreseeable future’ Cheryl laughed ‘you’ll be sick of me before long’.

‘That will never happen’ Kimberley smiled.

Cheryl returned Kimberley’s smile, ‘I’m going to give Nicola a call and fill her in on what’s happened. I know that we’ve kind of nullified Bruce’s threats for the moment, but I don’t think he’s gonna just skulk away with his tail between his legs’

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