Chapter 25 - 31

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Chapter 25

Cheryl woke up the next morning a little disorientated; it took her a minute or two to remember that she was in Kimberley’s spare bedroom. Kimberley was lying by her side, she was nervous that she would roll onto Cheryl in the night, so she placed two big cushions between them, It reminded Cheryl of the morning after their first night together in the safe house, particularly as Kimberley had allowed her hand to wander over the cushioned wall to cradle Cheryl’s left hand. Not wanting to break contact with her sleeping lover, Cheryl lay quietly, tilting her head slightly so that she could gaze at Kimberley, she smiled as she took in her puffed out lips, she had the most beautiful pout, she was almost smiling in her sleep, so innocent looking. Cheryl’s eyes began to water at the thought of what could have happened to Kimberley on the previous day. Although lying here, she looked so peaceful, oblivious to the dangers of the world; she had an overwhelming urge to protect her. The feelings that she had developed for Kimberley in such a short space of time had scared Cheryl, she was used to keeping her guard up and not letting anyone in, things were so different now. 

She decided that as soon as she felt fit, that she would move back to her own flat, they needed to slow things down a bit. Just as she had come to this conclusion, Kimberley opened her eyes and met Cheryl’s face with a beautiful smile. This caused Cheryl to come to the conclusion that although she should slow things down a bit, it didn’t stop the fact that she should enjoy their time together, and live in the moment, Kimberley had that kind of effect on her.

‘Good morning, beautiful’ Cheryl beamed.

‘Hey, how you feeling?’ Kimberley instantly propped herself up to look down at Cheryl, she had a concerned look on her face.

‘I’m actually feeling really good this morning, little bit of pain, but a lot better. Thank you’

‘Did you sleep ok?’

‘Yeah, sound. Think those painkillers knocked me out’ she turned to the bedside cabinet and picked up the box of pills on the side, she intended to read the instructions.

‘You looked dead to the world’ Kimberley looked a little coy as she continued “I kept waking up to check on you”

‘Thank you. Right, I think I’m fit to get out of my sick bed today’ Cheryl gingerly pushed herself out of the bed, and sat on the end, as if summoning the energy for her next step. 

Kimberley sat up a little concerned ‘Are you sure? The doctor said you should rest up’

‘Yeah, I’m not gonna go mad, but I need to get out of bed’

‘Ok, just don’t push yourself, yeah?’ Kimberley jumped out of bed, ‘I’ll go and make us some breakfast, what do you fancy?’

‘Hmmm I’m not sure, I am pretty hungry though’ Cheryl rubbed her stomach; it had been a while since she had a decent meal.

‘What about an omelette?’

‘Sounds perfect, babe. Thanks’ Cheryl smiled at Kimberley before taking a deep breath and easing herself off the bed. With a gargantuan effort, she slowly walked over to the en suite bathroom to freshen up.

By the time Cheryl had managed to get herself washed and dressed, Kimberley had prepared a beautiful breakfast for them, and set up a lovely spread in the bright conservatory to the rear of her impressive home. The smell of coffee beans filled Cheryl’s nose as she entered Kimberley’s kitchen, she took a moment, and stood in the doorway, taking in Kimberley buzzing about in her natural domain. Light gleamed through the window on to the shiny kettle that Kimberley had just placed on top of the induction cooker. The radio was on, but only quietly, Cheryl could make out the strands of a Stevie Wonder classic, this only added to the happy and laidback aura that Kimberley’s house had, soft beiges and gentle lights were a theme in the house, as well as vases of carefully placed flowers. Kimberley really has made this house a home, Cheryl smiled. It was in stark contrast to her house, which was sorely neglected. 

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