Chapter 14 - 18

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Chapter 14

Cheryl sat alone in the office, staring into thin air and drumming her fingers on the table. Hillary hadn’t given her any work to do, she scolded herself for lying to Kimberley, but she felt that she couldn’t stay in that room a minute longer without pouncing on her.

‘This is so inappropriate’ she thought to herself as she nervously chewed on her lip. She picked up the phone and contemplated calling Nicola, firstly for advice, but she was also thinking of asking her to swap positions with her. As she dialled the number, she heard a knock at the door.

‘Sorry, Cheryl’ Kimberley edged the door open a little ‘I’ve brought you in a cuppa; you’ve been hard at it now for ages’ Kimberley smiled.

‘Oh, thanks’ Cheryl put down the receiver.

‘I didn’t mean to interrupt you’ Kimberley looked at Cheryl apologetically as she noticed her placing the receiver back in its cradle.

‘No, it’s fine. Thank you’

‘Well, I’ll leave you to get on; dinner will be ready very soon’ 

‘That’s lovely. Thanks, Kimberley’

Kimberley left the room. Cheryl put her head in her hands then started to run her fingers through her hair, she couldn’t leave Kimberley here, she’s already spoken about how much she trusts her and feels safe when she’s around, it wouldn’t be fair. Plus, she conceded that she was being a bit of a hypocrite, how could she advise Kimberley to be brave  and think about her happiness, when the first time in years that she experiences anything close to what could be happiness she runs a mile. She decided to relax, and enjoy Kimberley’s company, and not get too far ahead of herself. She sat for a while pondering the recent events and drinking her tea before returning to Kimberley’s presence in the kitchen.

‘Mmmm smells amazing’ Cheryl’s sudden arrival in the kitchen made Kimberley jump a little, she had been deep in her own thoughts.

‘Oh, thanks. I hope you like it, I’ve had to compromise with a couple of ingredients but..’

‘I’m sure I will love it’ Cheryl interrupted Kimberley with a smile.

‘I hope so, erm I’ve opened a bottle of wine. Would you like a glass?’

‘Two nights on the trot? Is this what it’s like in the celebrity world?’ Cheryl teased.

Kimberley laughed ‘That all depends on if our Sarah is involved, she can be a bad influence sometimes’.

‘And are you just an innocent bystander?’ Cheryl cheekily asks.

‘Yes, of course. I’m very innocent’ Kimberley put on her most angelic look and pouted at Cheryl. This in turn caused Cheryl’s stomach to flip.

‘I can just imagine’ Cheryl smiled, she nervously looked down at her body and pulled on the bottom of her top, she couldn’t think of a good comeback, which was not like her, she’s usually Queen of the witty one-liners or comebacks. Instead she busies herself with pouring the wine and setting the table.

Kimberley plated up their meal, and joined Cheryl at the table.

‘God, it feels like all we do here is eat?’ Kimberley laughed ‘I’m really going to need to hit the gym when I get out of here’ she said taking a sip of her and winking.

‘You don’t need to hit the gym, your body is amazing’ Cheryl said embarrassed.

‘Thank you…so is yours’ Kimberley smiled at Cheryl, and cast her eyes down Cheryl’s body, she could only see the top half, but what she could see was beautiful, she caught herself and looked Cheryl in the eye again ‘Guess it has to be in your job, maybe you can give me some fitness tips when we get out’.

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