Spot, Jack, and Race. What a combo...

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A/N: Hey guys!! Well, there aren't many Newsies fans out there, but i figured I'd write a fan fiction for it anyways, and I shall try to finish it. My idea was to make a Newsies themed story with three, sometimes four, different love lives, combined. Also this is set in future tense, so just letting you know in case your like what? they didn't have cell phones!? And if you're wondering about when you're fave characters will come in, don't worry, they will all show up, I promise! haha so...ya.. :) Thanx for reading! 

Oodles of love,


P.S. I do not own Newsies or any of the characters from the musical/play.

Chapter 1: Kora's P.O.V.

I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock playing my favorite song, Eye of the Tiger. Eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight, risin'' up to the challenge of our rival... 

"Uggggghhhh, why do modays exist?" I mumble-asked, as I got up and walked on my toes, trying not to wake Davey. Ahhhh, Davey. He has been my boyfriend for a whole year now. Actually, it's our anniversary today! He better remember...

"Oh, hey babe, didn't see you just sitting there on a Monday morning, even though you're supposed to be on the subway by now..."

"Damn it!" I shouted looking at my clock. I ran to my closet and grabed my already picked out outfit and threw it on. A white blouse, black dress pants, red heels, and the ruby necalace that my father gave me the day of his and my step-moms wedding. I try not to hate people, but I really do strongly dislike Jillian. She married my dad for his money, I actually heard her mention it casually to her friend over the phone a week before they got married. I was going to tell my dad, but I knew he wouldn't believe me and would just say that I was trying to sabotage his love life. So I decided to let him figure it out on his own. But he's more blind to that sort of thing than I thought he would be... I quickly braided my hair to the side, and checked the clock.

"Ahhhhhh!" I screamed, just relizing that I had another of my 3 minute thinking sessions.

Davey ran in sopping wet, just having finished his shower with only a towel wrapped around his lower section. I should scream more often...

"What the hell's the matta!?!?" He shouted, worried.

"Oops, sorry, hun I just relized I was late..." I said with a sparkle in my eye. Then I looked at my clock. Again. And screamed. Again.

"See?" I asked him, "I just did it again!" He smiled at me. 

"Bye, Kora!" He shouted as I ran through the door. I hesataited a second, waiting for him to say 'I love you' but he didn't. I guess he forgot... Oh well.

I ran into the street trying to find a taxi,even though I never take taxi's they're to expensive, when a limo pulled over next to me. It was Spot Conlon, the owner of the company I work for, and his girlfriend Carol Maza who was also one of my best friends. 

"Kora!" she shouted, "Come on, we'll give you a ride!"

"Thanks so much guys." I said as I sort of fell into the comfortable tan leather seats.

"No problem." said Spot, smiling at me.

Though he had a reputation for being a 'mean boss' stereotype at work, he was actually a big romantic. Him and Carol are such a cute couple. At the beginning Carol told me that he was ahving trouble staying away from his old ways. You know, blond bimbos over every night, drunk all the time. That was last year, and since he found Carol, he's been a lot better. But he still has to quit smoking, we all do. I ran out of the limo, shouting a vague 'Bye!' over my shoulder. I ran straight to my boss, Dianne's office, and wished myself good luck.

I knocked reluctanly at the door.

"Come in." instructed a voice that sounded like the person it belonged to was sitting on needles. 

"Uhm, Hello Mrs. Pulitzer-" I started

"Late again, are we, Mrs. Owens?" she looked at me with those freaky stalker eyes, over her tiny spectacles.

"Appologies Mrs. Pulitzer, but I can explain. I was with Mr. Conlon." I told her.

"As if." She rudley retorted, almost snorting. "As if Mr. Conlon would keep the company of a young maiden like yourself, with no manners whatsoever. I looked at her as if to say, 'what are we in the 1920's?' 

But to my dismay, she carried on without a pause. "Mr. Conlon is a respectable man who has good taste in company. That is why he hired me" She sighed dreamily. Wait what? Ew. That woman has issues...

"Yes Mrs. Pulitzer, he did. But as you know, he hired me as well. I've got to go do my job now," I said with a tiny hint of sass "Are you finished?" 

"Hmph." she said, obviously beaten. Score! "Very well, leave."

So I did, and I think I might have slammed the door. Hey, don't judge! She's a real peice of work... Ding!  I looked down at my iphone. 

Spot_sexy_Conlon posted something on Instagram.

I unlocked my phone and looked at what he posted. It was a picture of spongebob punching Mrs. Pulitzer in the face. I laughed. I don't know how he does it, but it is genius. 

Well, I thought, time to get to work. Now where' s that Hutchington report...

A/N: Hey guys! Thanks for reading, sorry for the shortness! Comment pweese! I know it's to early to vote, but someday right? See you next chapter1

Oodles of love, 


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