Chapter 3: Carols P.O.V.

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A/N: Hey guys!! Ugh, im so sorry i didn't update before, I had final exams and then a super demanding apprenticeship...but i'm back now! Oh, and let me tell u a simple math formula: Votes/comments + Me = Update = Happy readers :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Newsies or any of the songs mentioned. I own Kora, Carol, and Elizabeth.

Oodles of love,


Chapter 3: Carols P.O.V.

Spot draped his arm over me while we sat on his couch after the anniversary party for Kora and Davey. He was humming to the song playing, Our last summer by Abba, while I leaned my head on his shoulder, content.

"Do you think that Davey was acting weird tonight?" I asked Spot.

He looked thoughtful, "Now that you say it, yes." Spot looked worried, "He wasn't his usual cheerful self..." 

"Ya, I don't know what got into him. He is a walking mouth, so I don't know why he wasn't talking." I said to him. "Do you think somethings wrong?" 

"Nah, he was probably just tired, but I'll ask Jack to talk to him." 

Jack was Davey's best friend. It had been that way since they were 17. They had almost nothing in common, yet they got along so well. Jack was really good friends with Daveys younger brother Les, who was now 15. They welcomed Jack into their family when he needed one. Spot and Race liked Davey, but could never put him in the best friend category like Jack could. 

"Well, i'm off to bed. Care to join me?" he asked staring his clear blue eyes into mine suggestively.

"Sure, why not?" i said.


"Good morning beatutiful." Spot whispered against my back.

"mmmm...morning" I said groggily

Spot smiled and said, "We have to get to work babe."

"Why?" I protested, "You're the boss, just say you can't come in today."

He looked at me with laughing eyes, "Well I can, but you can't, so I need to give you I ride."

I play-glared at him. "Hmph...No fair..."

I got up, brushed my teeth, and put on my clothes. I wore an tribal patterned dress with red earings and blue pumps. Yes, I dress very exoticly, some even call it daring, but I love it. I quickly swiped on some mascara and pinched my cheeks for a blushed effect. I ran into the kitchen, took a swig of coffee,  grabed an apple for the road, and basically pushed Spot out the door and into his limo, taking a seat next to him.

I sighed and checked my watch. Good, we aren't going to be late.

Spot was already on his phone, talking buisness with the owner of another big company we wanted to go into a partnership with. Conlon inc. was doing well. Spot had built this huge company form scratch, so he was very protective of it. I'm so proud of what he's done. He used to be drunk quite a bit of the time, but now he's better. I'm so proud of Spot.

A/N: Ok that doesn't even deserve to be called a chapter, i'm sorry, writers block today, but I have a good idea for the next chapter, so yay!

oodles of love,


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