Chapter 2: Elizabeths P.O.V.

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I had just walked out of Kora's cubicle lookin for her, as she rushed in, papers flying all over the place. I bent down to help her pick them up.

"Kora, if you keep coming late, Mrs. Pulitzer's gonna kill you...literally." I smiled.

"Ya, well if she wants to do that, she'll have to catch me first, and you know me i'm a really fast runner." she said sarcastically. Davey has had her jog with him after work, sometimes in the mornin gif she gets up early enough, and boy does she hate it. A lot. 

"Hey Elizabeth!" yelled Carol "Hows it hangin'?" She walked over to me. "Hows that shmexy boyfriend of yours?" she winked at me.

"He's....shmexy...?" I glared at her. Me and Carol have this inside joke. See, when Carol and my boyfriend, Ractrack, were dating, she called him 'shmexy R' ...ya I don't know and probably will never know why she called him that but, hey, it's true. Racetrack is mighty fine. 

Spot walked in to give me the Smithe files, and then started a major PDA session with Carol. 

"Uggghhhhh!! Guys get a room..." I mumbled smiling.

They broke apart and Carol blushed a lot. Spot didn't though. He just looked at me. Then he looked at Carol. Then at me. Then Carol. Me. Carol. Me. I looked away and logged onto my computer to avoid the awkward staring 'contest'. See, The whole group (Race, Kora, Spot, Jack, me, and Carol) had dated interchangably. I dated Spot in high school, and I dated Jack for a couple weeks at Harvard, but it didn't work out. I broke up with both of them for the same reason. They were both so irresponsible, and had alcohol issues that I thought were beyond repair. But, I just wan't the right girl to inspire them to be better. Their current girlfriends were. And truth be told, i'm not jealous or anything. I'm really happy for them all. Its only awkward when they have major PDA sessi-

"GUY'S! SERIOUSLY! GET. A. ROOM." I laugh-shouted.

Spot and Carol broke apart (again) and she blushed (again). But I couldn't blame her. Out of the many boyfriends I've ever dated, in and out of the group, Spot was the best kisser. 


I looked down at my phone.

New text message from Race <3

I unlocked it, and checked what he texted me. 

Race <3: Hey babe, everything ready for the surprise party?

I quickly replied: Ya, I just got to pick up the t-shirts during lunch break, then everything will b done.


New text message from Race <3

Race <3: Don't worry bout it, i'll do it babe. i g2g boss is staring. love u.

Me: Thanx baby, you're the best! I might just have to reward you when we get home tonight... ;)


Race <3: Oh, my my, I can't wait. ;)  bi!

Me: ily! bi!

I shooed Spot and Carol out of the office me and Kora shared, put my ear buds in, turned on my favorite song, and started to work.


"SARAH!!!!!!" I shouted.

No answer.

"SARAH YOU MOTHE-" I started again.

"I'm here, I'm here! What r u yelling about?" she asked. I had just run into her party store to pick up the personilized t-shirts for Kora and Davey's anniversary surprise party. But I was late. Like reeaallyy late. 

"Ok, ok. I'm coming!" Sarah yelled.

Sarah was Jacks girlfriend. Kora, Carol, and I are friends with her, but never really that close with her as we are with each other. She's nice and all but she just didn't click with us. Carol hates her the most. Why, I will never know... We jumped in my Lexus convertible and sped down towards the highway.

"So Sarah, how's Jack treating you?" I tried to make small talk.

"Good. You know yesterday, when I got home from work, I walked in to the den and I found a note saying, 'Get dressed up real fancy, i'm picking you up at 7:00'. So I went and got dressed up, I had this blue dress with white lace that really hugged my body, if you know what I mean, and when he came to pick me up, he was in this sexy tux, with a white bow tie and everything. And when we got to the-"

"Oh look, we're here." I said rushing to get away from her bragging. Jeez.

We rushed in, and the light were still off. 

"Pssssttt. Guys! over here!" Spot whisper-yelled.

We ran over to where Spot and Carol were.

"Hide behind the sofa." she whispered to us. We crept over there and we had just sat down behind it when in came Davey and Kora.

"SURPRISE!!!" we all yeled and jumped up.

"Omigod!!!" yelled Kora, smilling. "Thanx so much guys!"

Davey just stood there and smiled. Kora ran around hugging everyone really tight. God, that girl has upper body strength. She ran to hug Davey, and the two had a PDA session. Jack, Spot, and Race let out cat calls, and the me and the girls started cooing at the two. Well, we had the cake with 'One Whole Year. How the Fuck do you do it?' written on it (Jacks idea), had a few drinks, handed out the personilized t-shirts that said, 'Kora and Davey. Their life is a chick flick, but its addicting to watch' and played truth or dare. We all said goodnight and parted ways. As Race drove me home in his Ferrari, I thought about inviting him up. We had been dating for 4 months after all. I like to take things slow. And the good thing is, he's okay with that. As he helped me out of the car, I gripped his tie, and pulled him in for a not-so-chasite kiss. At first he was surprised and froze for a second, then he relaxed and asked for entrance to my mouth. Our tounges fought the battle for dominance, and of course, he won. I pulled back, gasping for breath.

"What do ya say, you show me around that appartment of yours?" I asked seductively. 

 "You know something Lizzie?" he asked using my pet name.

"hmm?" I asked.

He bent to whisper in my ear, "You're the sexiest goil I know." 

I did a mini moan and dragged him upstairs to his appartment, fumbling with the keys all the way. We got in to the appartment and he started kissing down my neck, while I pulled off his shirt and ran my hands over his smooth abs. God, horse racing sure makes a guy hot as hell. 

"God Lizzie, I want you so bad." He whispered urgently in my ear.

Tonight was going to be great.

A/N: Hey guys! So? What do you think? Comment please! 

oodles of love,


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