Chapter 6: Learning the Ropes

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Renesmee had finally been pulled into the Volturi like Aro wanted, she was now dressed in their dark and glommy uniform, cloak and all. She had been given a tour of the castle, shown to her room, and given her daily afternoon duties. Aro wanted her by his side always during the day because she was so special to him. He felt that she was so special she should be speciially guarded by him himself, Dimitri, and felix. He wanted no form of harm to come to her. All this special treatment that went to Renesmee made Jane quite jealous, she now envied the little half human half vampire girl incredibly.

She didn't think or even take into consideration, that this merely small girl could take her place next to Aro, and if he somehow did get the other things he wanted.....Alice....Bella...Edward....she would really cease to exist to him and be put aside. Jane had many thoughts, thoughts to betray Aro, so she could stay the special one, and not yesterday's news. But the question she asked herself was, would she even be  able to bring herself to betray Aro and The Volturi? Or would she even be able to accomplish it? But as the days went by, Jane wanted to make an end to darling Renesmee herself, she wanted to be the one to take her very life. She of course was careful about not letting Aro touch  her, or he would know these thoughts, and if he did, he would surely end her without a second thought.

Her thoughts would be treason. Jane thought long and hard, and decided that if an opportunity presented itself she might take up on it if she will end up the prize possesion once more. She now regretted even picking up the innocent child from her room, she regretted offering that she would play a hand in Renesmee's kidnapping. But for now she shall remain seen and not heard unless she is spoken to. After being with The Volturi for a few weeks now, Renesmee still felt quite miserable, from believing the golden lie that Aro told her that she was no longer wanted by her old family? She also wondered if that meant Jacob as well, and all the other Quilietes.

Even though she was miserable, she of course still missed her old family, but she was staring to get accustomed to The Volturi and the way they lived. Even with the tourists that came every now and again and got slaughtered....she of course hated the sight of it and the sounds of it, but she knew there wasn't much she could say or do. They were trying extremely hard....even though they knew she could survive on human food as well and that the Cullens' had her on an appetite of animal blood if she hungered for it, The Volturi were trying to get her accustomed to drinking human blood. Every time she did, dear Renesmee would get very ill to where she would throw it right back up. She could not take it or hold down human blood because her body was not used to it. Renesmee herself, actually preferred the taste of animal blood over human blood. The taste seemed more pure to her, and she of course preferred blood over human food.

But what she was originally taught also had a play, she had a care for mortal lives, and understood it partially. She was also part human, so hurting a human would be like hurting herself or her mother. For her mother was human when she gave birth to Renesmee and she would have sacrificed herself for Renesmee. If she were to hurt a human she would also be hurting all of the Cullens, for the most part they each missed being human. In a way she'd even hurt Jacob She also felt because of her mother's act, that humans were strong, they would willingly do anything for their loved ones, they felt and emotions, and could show the utmost mercy for the vilest of creatures. But wouldn't The Volturi feel that way somehow? They were all once human at some point.

Aro told Renesmee that it would be fine, she would get used to drinking human blood, it would just take time. He's always told her that drinking human blood would make her stonger giving her the full potential of her vampire self, and that it could stengthen her ability. Which she knew was true but she didn't care about power, she just wanted happiness and love. A normal life with a family that was just right for her. But it seemed that this was her family now and she'd have to learn to love it, since her original family gave her up.

After the day passed, and the sun set, Renesmee was in her room, the room that now belonged to her, the room that she woke up in on her first day here. She was in that room just lying there, staring at the cieling, and when she heard light footsteps approaching she perked up. She knew those footsteps. They belonged to one of the most frightening members, Jane. When Jane entered the room, her blood red eyes targetting Renesmee directly, frightened her a bit. Jane always gave a cold stare, she looked at everyone like that, cold, unfeeling and blank, Renesmee knew that, but she felt that Jane gave her special attention at times. A small smile appeared on Jane's young cold face as she walked over and sat down next to the now slightly confused little girl. Her face seemed more threatening. It was a look that could seem to have a 'killing softly' effect.

Renesmee sat there waiting for Jane to state why she had come. She watched as the small smile remained on Jane's face. Jane was trying to seem less intimidating and more kind....she wanted to seem to have a sweet dispostion as her dear brother, Alec. But for Jane that was a feeble attempt, for she could never seem sweet.

"Hello there...Renesmee," Jane spoke, looking at her. She had such a hard time saying the girl's name. Jane was never to be so formally polite, especially to someone she disliked so strongly. Renesmee found this Jane to be quite odd, she figured something was up, but she couldn't have the slightest idea of what

"Hello...Jane," Renesmee said but only to be polite.

"How are you adapting?"

"I'm adapting..."

"I see...well I came here to tell you that if you have any questions, I don't mind helping you to fit in. Aro can be hard pleasing at times. But you seem special, so he may be leniant." Jane had the intention of getting close to Renesmee, to 'guide' her in right path, and then purposely throw her under the bus. And when someond does wrong by Aro in anyway, he does not banish, or any sort of temporary punishment, only permanent. The sentence he always gives is life's end, death.

"Thank you, that is kind of you to offer...I will consider it. "Renesmee of course was simply being polite, but she of course saw no future of her's where she call to Jane for help. She would go to Felix or Dimitri before Jane.

"The other reason why I also came here," Jane started, letting out a light sigh. "We are having a few visitors coming from Greece, in about a few weeks, and they have a few girls in their family. Felix, Alec, and I have to show them about, but after we all planned to have some girl time. If you'd like to join us, the offer has been presented to you." Jane tried her hardest to keep the smile that was plastered on her face, looking at her, you could see her fighting to keep the smile there. A smile on her face too long, started to make her look slightly insane.

Renesmee's face showed a small expression of surprise and wonder when she heard Jane make such an offer. "Thank you kindly," was all she had to say to such a offer from such a person. "I will consider it."

"Good, I'm glad you will.," Jane said as she stood. "I will see you tomorrow, you must get your rest."

Renesmee nodded as Jane nodded back, leaving her room. As soon as Jane stepped passed the threshold, her face went back to normal as she walked down the stone steps. She walked down the long corridor, heading towards her room. In the process she walked passed Alec's room. He noticed her walk by and decided he wanted to speak with her. She sat down at her desk, opening one her history book about the dead. Alec appeared at the threshold of her door with a satisfying smirk appearing on his face as he crossed his arms.

"What do you want brother?" Jane spoke sternly and harshly.

"It's making you quite mad isn't is?" he asked.

She closed her book and turned to him. "What are you speaking of?"

"The girl. You envy her greatly."

Jane smiled her normal cold smile, "I envy no one brother."

"Are you sure? Aro is giving her quite the special treatement...which is what he usually gives you."

"We are all Aro's gifts."

"Is that so? So you were never his favorite?"

Jane's smile vanished into a small scowel. "I bring more to this clan than that girl. And I will continue to do so. She does not measure up to me.'

"You're comparing yourself to her I see....sister, don't be too foolish in whatever you're plotting."

"Are you commanding me, brother?"

"No simply advising, and giving a warning," he said leaving and returning to his room.

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