Chapter 7: For Renesmee

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Jacob was now in his wolf form heading back to La Push to apologize to his pack, he was even prepared to grovel at their feet to show how sorry he was, to gain their forgiveness to ask for their help to help Renesmee. Even though they could never leave their land, because they were sworn to protect it. But also following the absolute law, of how a wolf's imprint could not be harmed they could also do whatever means to protect them. Jacob found his pack in the woods right near the beach of La Push. Seth, Leah, Quil, and Embry were in their wolf forms relaxing.

When they saw Jacob  had appeared in their sight they all stood to their feet, being silent, not sure of their feelings. They all felt mixed emotions of sadness, pity, and love towards their friend but they also felt the emotions of fear, betrayal, and a slight mistrust towards their alpha. And Jacob could feel that, all of it, every single emotion they felt poured out like water from a bottle through their wolf eyes. They all were still hurt by his act but they would stay silent until they heard what Jacob had to say. Jacob had slowed his movement to a stop and took the time to look at all of the members of his pack, his friends, his brothers and sister.

Everyone of these people had different titles to him. They all were more than what they're genes made them out to be, they were more than the purpose their genes gave them. Not only were they to respect and protect humans from vampire, but also to respect and protect the friendship they had. Jacob knew he needed to remember that, and that he crossed the lines of the friendship and he knew by his act he had put himself a large wall between them, especially Leah, since she was the one who felt the command of the alpha. Regardless of how tough she may seem he knew he had hurt her the most.

Jacob had looked down at the ground and then looked back up at them, trying to find his words wanting to make sure he got his point and feelings across. He looked into each of their eyes, he had something he wanted to say to all of them and it was mostly how sorry he was.

"I'm sorry. To all of you," Jacob sighed. "I know what I did was wrong and I know that I betrayed your trust as a friend and a leader." They all perked their wolf ears as they listened intently to Jacob speak. "I know that I hurt all of you by doing what I did, especially you Leah," he said as he looked towards Leah and then back to everyone. "I did something I said I'd never do and I absolutely hate myself for it guys and the last thing I want is to be categorized with Sam in the list of alphas. And regardless of whether I was angry at you, Leah, or not doesn't excuse me for it." Jacob then took a deep breath. "Now I don't blame you guys if you take a while to forgive and trust me again, or even if you never did, I'd understand."

Leah, Seth, Quil, and Embry all looked towards one another and then back to Jacob. "And Leah, I should be more considerate to the fact that you may not understand what it's like to imprint on someone, and I'm really sorry for that too. I really am. I was being a bit of...well an ass...and I went too far. But the Cullens and I need your help. They have a plan to come up with a plan to save Renesmee and I am begging you, all of you to help," Jacob said he bowed his head to them to help try and show how sincere his apology was.

Their ears perked surprised at this action, this was something Sam definitely would never do, that's when they all knew they could trust Jacob and forgive him easily. They wouldn't have to worry about him doing it again. He made a mistake, everyone does, and he was showing that he was trying his hardest to fix it and that he really valued them as part of his pack and his friends. "Come with us to Italy and save Renesmee, and if not to help me, to do it for her, to help her. She's the last one who should suffer for something that I did wrong. She doesn't deserve that."

"I accept your apology, Jake," Seth thought as he came forward, being the first to speak. Jacob lifted his head to look at his brother. "I know you mean it, and I know you feel really bad, so I forgive you."

"Thanks," Jacob though. If they were able to see him they would be able to see him smiling. That boyish loving smile that Bella always loved seeing. Jacob appreciated Seth and loved having him around, Seth was always very forgiving and accepting, and had always been a good hearted boy. He cared about everyone as if they were family.

"You really scared us, Jake."

"I know Seth, and I'm sorry for that too."

"We forgive you too," Quil said as he and Embry walked over.

"We can see how much you meant what you said, and that you really didn't mean to hurt any of us," Embry said.

"And of course we'd forgive you man," Quil thought loudly. "We're bros, we wouldn't be able to stay mad at you for long."

"Yeah, so without a doubt we'll help get Renesmee back."

"Thanks guys," Jacob thought, feeling very grateful for his friends, and then he looked over to at Leah who had stayed back against the tree to watch. "Leah?"

They all fell silent as they looked at Leah, waiting for  her to respond. Jacob knew he had hurt her the most and he wanted to hear what she had to say. He wanted to know how she felt and if she could forgive him. It was already enough that they disagreed on almost everything. So this wouldn't help that much more.

"I forgive you..." she said as she came forward. "And thank you for being brave enough and putting your pride aside to apologize. I appreciate it. You definitely don't fall into the category of alphas with Sam."

"Thanks, Leah."

"It may take some time for me to trust you again...but ya know how I get."

"And that's fine, I totally get it."

"But I want to apologize too."

"For what?"

"Well, I know I went too far as well. I shouldn't have said all that stuff about Bella, and Renesmee. I know that I pushed you over the edge and I guess I should have known that would upset you."

"But that doesn't justify-"

"Just accept my apology so we can move on alright."

Jacob chuckled knowing she didn't mean any harm. She was just being Leah. "Alright, thanks Leah, for saying all that."

After that they all then nuzzled up in a group, giving each other what would be the wolf version of a group hug. After the short lived love fest they all separated and got down to business to discuss the plan to get back Renesmee. She belonged with them and the Cullens, not the Italian bloodsuckers. They were her real family, and they would die trying to save her and give her happiness. Jacob was glad that everything with his pack felt mostly normal again.

He knew that whatever arguments or fights may happen that from here on, everything with his pack would be alright. Not long after that, Jacob and his pack all went to meet with the Cullens at their house to discuss more details and who it would be to infiltrate the Volturi. Jacob felt that this would be the only chance to get back the girl he always put first, it had to be done now, it had to be done fast, and it had to be done right.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2013 ⏰

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