Chapter 4: Consumed With Hostility

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Jacob on the other hand was not as easy as breathing as The Cullen's, he couldn't stand the idea of being so far from Reneesme. The girl he imprinted on, the girl he would do anything for or be anything she needed, a friend, a brother, or a protector. And he felt that he was definiately failing in one category, he wanted to act now and he felt like the longer he waited for The Cullen's to come up with a plan, the more Reneesme would be put through as time stretched on.

He was pacing around in the woods, panting in his wolf form, trying at a feble attempt to calm down, while his pack waited with him, also in their wolf forms, to try and help calm him down.

"Come on this is ridiculous Jake, we just have to be patient, there's nothing we can do until The Cullen's come up with somthing," Leah spoke. Seth felt that Leah, let alone Leah, shouldnt have said something and especially something like that, being with the kind of state Jacob was in.

"Be patient?!" Jacob growled as he stopped and turned his head towards the Leah, the gray wolf sitting so calmly against a tree. "How can I?! And wait for The Cullen's to decide?! Youre just as bad as Bella. And The Cullen's don't control anything we do!"

"Yeah, if that's the case, why haven't you done anything? Face it Jacob, you're just as lost on what to do as we are, so you know its best to wait."

"Leah, stop." Seth stepped in.

"And Jacob," Embry started. "The Cullen's know more about The Volturi than we do, so we should wait."

"Exactly," Leah agreed. "Does it make sense now Jacob, you cant just jump into something you know absolutley nothing about."

Jacob growled tired of hearing Leah's input on every little thing, tired of just hearing her voice. He started to charge at Leah, ready to shut her up, until Seth jumped in front of Jacob at the right moment to stop him in his tracks. Seth whinned at Jacob in plea.

"I would expect Quil to understand, you haven't imprinted Leah so you wouldnt understand, even Embry and Seth would probably understand better than you." Jacob growled and huffed and turned the other way. Jacob at the moment didn't feel bad about throwing that in her face, she would never understand the connection until she had it.

Seth then whinned at Leah, she had moved her body to a standing position. "No, Seth. You're the big bad Alpha right, even if you are a natural born leader, you sure don't act like one, you shouldn't throw stuff in people's faces!" She had now moved passed her brother and a little more towards Jacob.

Hearing her talk was making him more aggravated. "Shut up, Leah."


"No, Leah." Seth and Quil said at the same time. By now all the wolves were up on their feet, and on alert, they could tell that Jacob was almost over the edge.

"I'm sick of it Jacob," Leah started. "You always make me feel worse about that, i cant help that i dont understand!"

"Exactly, you dont understand so you should at least take it into considersation and TRY to understand!"

"And maybe you should take in consideration that i dont understand!" Leah continued on and on, yelling and complaining, and within that rant she went back to the whole situation with Bella and how, she treated him horribly over a vampire.

"Leah, don't antagonize him," Quil said.

Jacob was now heated, and the wolves could see it except for Leah, Jacob was trying to retain himself from doing something he'd never do. "Leah, stand down," Jacob warned.

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