Chapter 1: Starry Eyed

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It was in the blackest of midnight. The Volturi with their glowing red eyes filled with hunger, now returning to the place where they once were. To retrieve what their Master Aro, wanted the most.

He wanted Renesmee, the rare gifted daughter of Edward and Bella, who he was once after many years ago. She had an exceptional gift, she could place her memories in peoples' minds, just by her touch, making them see what she has seen once before. She was also exceptionally rare because of her half-human half-vampire nature, and her intelligence was incomprehensible.

The Volturi clan were about two hundred yards away from the Cullens' residence.

"Remember Demetri, when Bella is distracted and when I have ceased her and her loved ones mobility, you take watch and the others will take on the Cullens if things become out of hand, then I will take the child." Jane reminded the others.

She was pleased to be getting some amount of revenge on the Cullens. For they had humiliated her by limiting the use of her gift. They waited patiently for Jane's order to strike. She focused, searching for Bella's presence, and when she found her, she inflicted immediate pain on her, a pain that could of been burning her mind to the very core.

"Now." she commanded with a cold smile. They sped off through the trees, trying to hurry to obtain their target. They all flew through the front door of the glamorous home that belonged to their enemies. They fought the Cullens to distract them until Jane came.

Bella was enraged and confused, she had no idea what was going on and what they were after, but she knew the Volturi would always return for a way to benefit themselves. Did they want her? Did they want Edward or Alice? Then it dawned on her, they wanted the one thing she fought to protect, that she would've died to protect, Renesmee. Since her shield was completely diminished, she was able to warn Edward of what she had realized while she was thinking it.

But they couldn't move, none of them could. They were being beat while Jane held them under her control. Jane then flashed through the door, a sinister smile spread across her face as she saw the Cullens hopeless and in despair.

She looked around for a moment, searching, and listening for a fluttering, thrumming heartbeat. She followed the sound and the rare sweet scent that soon led her to a room upstairs. Jane found the young girl laying sound asleep breathing musical breaths.

Jane observed the rare child, and noticed she was the size of a small seven year old, but only had to be at least five years of age. Jane swiftly picked up the child and flashed down to the living room. She saw Felix, who was tempted to rip Alice's arm.

"Remember Felix, Aro wants them alive." she told him. He let a hiss escape from his lips and threw Alice's arm away from his grasp.

Jane flashed out the house and the others follows. When they were far enough Jane's control released the Cullens.

"I'm going to kill them!!" Bella hissed.

"Bella-" Edward said but she interrupted.

"No Edward! They will not take her from me!!" she yelled.

"I agree, let's kill their arrogant, pompous asses before they get too far." Emmett stated. You could see in his eyes that he was hungry for excitement and a good fight.

The Cullens raced out the door flashing passed the trees. Then Edward thought of someone they'd need, someone he considered a brother and a possible son.

"Jacob where are you?" he asked in a thought as they ran coming closer to Jacob.

"Just north of the house, what's up?" Jacob thought.

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