Chapter 2: A Blood Colored Luster

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Renesmee awoke in a very unfamiliar room, it looked very old. But that didn't matter, all that matter that she knew it wasn't her home. It was dark, cold, and seemed very empty...not just in space..but in sentimental reasons. She felt a vibe, that she wasn't uncomfortable with. A very seemingly fatal kind of vibe, a vibe so deadly it could make her heart stop, and her blood curdle. So frightening that drowing, and slowly losing a segment of breath from each of your lungs, second by second, seemed like a better way to suffer and die. 'Where was her mom? Her dad? Jacob?' These were the questions she asked herself, while the feeling of loneliness, fear, and despair started to wash over her.

She then heard a voice speak from a lower floor, with her sensitive hearing a voice that was as soft as silk, but as sharp as a knife. "I feel she is awake now."

By the voice, Renesmee could immediatly match it to a face. It belonged to a small girl, with blonde hair, and blood red eyes, a girl by the name of Jane. Renesme now knew who she was with, she was with a small group who she declared to be The Bad Vampires. A group that even the deadliest vampires feared and would even in some cases ask for death. From what she learned, these vampires had created and lived by a vampire law, or more so they were the law themselves. They either would take care of a problem that could expose the existance of their kind,or kill for their own benefit, or seemingly at times, for no reason at all. She was in this moment sharing the same air as The Volturi.

Then Renesmee heard another voice that felt harshly gentle...a very deceiving type of voice...she remembered that voice it belonged to the leader of The Volturi, Aro. "Ah, well if she is awake, let's bring her down for a fair welcoming, yes?"

"Yes Master."

"Now now, no Jane, I'm afraid you may frighten the poor girl, how harsh and abrupt you are is not a way to welcome her. Alec, you have more of a sweet disposition than your sister, why don't you get the girl."

"Of course," Alec said. Renesmee heard his foot steps coming closer and closer, making her fear grow stronger, and stronger, not knowing what was to come next. She had finally sat up in the small bed they put her in, and Alec came into her view. He did seem to have more of a sweet disposition than his sister, but she knew better than to believe such a thing, she knew that deep down every member of The Volturi was vile and crude, filled with a greed beyond the average tomb raider, or treasure hunter.

"Are you fully rested?" he asked the very seemingly meek Renesmee. She didn't move, she sat still. He started to approach her coming closer, and stretched out his hand. "Come now, it's alright, you wont be hurt."

Renesmee felt it would've been a bad idea not to respond to the advance, so she slowly took hold of his hand and climbed off the bed as he helped her down. He led her down a flight of stone stairs to a grand throne room, where all the members of The Volturi stood.

"Ahh, my sweet Renesmee," Aro came over to her taking her hand from Alec to hold. She could feel him reading every thought she had up to this point, everything she heard, or even everything she'd seen, trying to find any kind of information that could help him and his coven. "Welcome to your new family."

"M-My family...??"

"She is but only five years of age...and she speaks so flawlessly," Caius said.

"Yes, a rare jewel." Aro replied then turned back to Renesmee. "Yes dear your new family, you belong in a rare one such as this."


"Well you see..,,your old family the Cullen's...they gave you to us."


"Yes, see darling, they felt you were too...different to be around them.....that you were out of place. It's not that they didn't love you, they love you very much, but they felt it'd be best for you to be here, where there is nothing but rarity."


"Yes...they didn't think think they could handle your rarity started to become a bit of a hassle. Plus, your intelligence was impeccable, you were probably close to putting Carlisle to shame," he chuckled indifferently at the last part. "So you see, they entrusted us to see to your talents."

Renesmee didn't want to believe Aro, but his fancy words, and golden tongue seemed to manipulate her into believing such a lie. She felt that in a way his words made sense to her in here eyes, as she compared herself to the Cullens. A saddened expression that could make a puppy cry, clouded Renesmee's face at the thought of this 'truth'. She simply just nodded to Aro in response.

Are laughed and clapped, "Splendid! You will be of good use here, none of your talents will be wasted. Carmella," he called. A tall and lean, dark haired woman entered the room....she was human. Which had Renesmee confused. "Get our new member in the proper attire please?"

"Come on,' Carmella said taking Renesmee's hand. "I'll get you all, set up alright."

"First," Aro started as Renesmee was being taken to another room. "She shall learn the vampire law, and then we will see how her talents can be of use."

"Aro," Caius started to speak. "What will be of The Cullens?" Caius was careful and how to word this question, knowing Renesmee could probably hear them.

A dark, empty, and cold expression appears on Aro's face as he envisioned something obviously unthinkable. He spoke in Italian knowing Renesmee would not understand. "Noi uccideremo i Cullen...," ~We will kill the Cullens~. "E tutti coloro che li aiuti.." ~And all who aid them~

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