Chapter 3: Creating A Plan

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"What? How!?" Charlie exclaimed.

Edward and Bella went to Charlie's and had just finished telling him what had happened to Reneesme. Anyone could tell that Charlie was upset, and confused, even though he always wanted to be on only "need to know" basis, this was different. The frown that surfaced on his face was practically pulling at the edges of his mouth and his eyes saturated with disbelief and fear for his beloved granddaughter.

"I'm gonna get a few of y guys on this," Charlie said as he pulled out his phone ready to start dialing until Bella stopped him.

"Dad, no, the whole Forks police force wont be able help on this."

"Well," Charlie scoffed. "You guys gotta do something, do something about these....Vooturi characters."

"Volturi dad, and we've taken in part consideration with something Jacob said."

"Well at least someone's thinking something."

"I understand your anger," Edward started. "But these people are very dangerous...and we have to be careful about how we approach it."

"Dangerous? Hmph...give me shot gun and some bullets and I'll show you danger," he chucked halfheartedly. "Well what if there doing something to her? Did you think of that? Which is why you need to do something as quick as possible."

"They wont hurt her," Edward stated, which was true in a way. The Volturi wanted Reneesme for their gain, and they valued her talents. So they'd never do her any harm...besides lie to her perhaps.

"Yeah? Well just how do you know that Edward?" Charlie replied harshly.

"Well they sort...of like creating and makin so they won't hurt her."

"Uhuh? And how des your family know these people?"

"Carlisle knew them...he lived with then for a while...until he realized their ways and left."

"Well he was smart to....but you guys better get something together or I'm going to step in."

Bella shook her head at her father, she knew he cared but she also knew anything he did o wouldn't help, which make himself aggravated with himself, just like before when trying to hunt the so called "bears" some time ago around when Harry Clearwater had died.

Bella and Edward decided to let Charlie calm down a bit before they left. They didn't want to lean him while he was in a panic, distressed mode.

"By the way," Edward started as he and Bella got in the car. "Happy Birthday Bella."

Bella smiled, she had forgotten it was her birthday...her human birthday. If she was still human she would have been twenty three years old today. But of a course she didn't feel or look a day over eighteen.

"It's funny.." she started. "I think my birthdate is bad luck."


"Because it seems all the bad stuff happen either around, or on my birthday...given with the track record of events that happen on my birthday." even though it was her birthday that was the last thing on her mind, she feel she shouldn't have the right to celebrate with Reneesme gone.

"Well, I guess I see your point, but try to think of it as the day you came into existence, and became my reason for existence," Edward smiled his famous crooked smile, which was one of Bella's favorite smiles. He then began to drive

She just continued to smile, this would be a moment when Bella would blush, even though she now couldn't, which was something small that Edward missed, along with hearing her heartbeat. But then Edward had remembered something that Bella said in Charlie's house that popped up in his mind.

"Bella?" he started. "What were you talking Charlie's when you said we may consider something Jacob suggested?"

"Well, I was thinking that maybe we could get a few people from last time but not as many..just a select few...a few of those ones with amazing abilities that could help the amazons."

"Yes their abilities are very useful...I'll discuss it with Carlisle and see what he thinks and maybe he can come up with something."

"Alright," Bella was of course glad that she could help in some way and put forth some aid.

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