Chapter 1

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* morning of school *
Phils pov
I wonder if people will like me? How will they treat me? Will they think I'm wierd? Will they bully me? Will I make friends? I can't think straight.

Starting a new school in the middle of the year isn't my cup of tea. High school is hard enough, at least at my old school I knew people didn't like me and why . I hate having the thought that they will like me and then they will find out. They have to find out eventually. It's not like I chose to be gay ,it just happened. I didn't just wake up and decide hey I'm gonna like guys now. I was born this way and people just can't seem to rap their heads around that.

It feels like I haven't slept in a million years I'm so tired I kept myself up all night worrying. I get up and walk to the bathroom I straighten my hair and went and got dressed. I walked down stairs and head straight out the door saying no good byes to anyone in the house

I walk to the school ,which is suprisingly close. I want nothing more but to curl up in a ball and cry. I hate being new . " hey you are new right" a boy with bright eyes and curly hair asked me " yeah I geuss ,do you know where miss Clarks room is?" I ask him nervously " yeah I have her first period anyway come on I'll show you" he says sweetly a grin on his face. "Im pj btw" he says As we walk down the hall " I'm phil" I say before I hear crys of pain and screams "hahaha look at the little fagot, he's crying " a brown haired boy spat I ran over to see who he was talking to I was so worried , it was a boy ,a tall boy with strait brown hair and eyes that are the color of Carmel. He was wearing black skinny jeans , a black and silver panic at the disco shirt and black convers along with bracelets and a beenie. He's so beautiful I can't breathe. He looked at me with pleading eyes , I back away slowly and turn to pj "who is that?" I ask interested in the bloody angel on the floor." That's Daniel howell ,he doesn't talk much everyone kinda just avoids him cause he's gay ,at least that's what everyone says ,and if they hang out with him they will become a target too" pj says as he continues to walk . Would people target me I'm gay. Oh god its gonna happen anyway fuck it. I was very determined to become that boys friend even if it meant being bullied because nobody deserves to go through that alone and I'll have to deal with it anyway. " so you guys are like homophobic " I ask pj " what do you mean by 'you guys' I'm definitely not one of them ,in fact I'm gay but don't tell anyone" he says winking at me " oh good " I say letting out the breath I was holding " why ? Are you gay phil" pj asks and I look down "yeah" I whisper " it's ok I won't tell" he says smiling " thanks" I say " don't worry there is more of us than you think" pj says " um what?" I say " there is more gay people I mean me,my friend Chris, Daniel, and a few others" he says laughing " oh" I say finally getting it . We walk into a class and sit in the back. " I feel really bad for leaving Daniel laying there" I say truthfully " me too but we don't want to get targeted I don't think either one of us want bruises and bloody noses every day " pj says " but why him he looks so nice" I say still upset with myself for leaving him " oh he is he's one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet ,and he is really cool but remember don't talk to him you'll get hurt" pj says " accually I'm gonna talk to him at lunch if he hasn't gone home because of his injuries " I say comfedently I'm not gonna leave him to suffer, he doesn't deserve it.

" that's a very bad idea,and if you start getting made fun of then I'll have to stop hanging around you too ,dan was my best friend until I couldn't take the teasing and beatings. " pj says with a hint of sadness in his eyes "well that suck but I'm gonna protect that boy ,something tells me I have to" I say as the bell rings signaling that class school has started.

* second period *

I walk in and take a seat in the back left corner of the room. All I want to do is help that kid ,the glimmer of hope that twinkled in his eyes when he saw me was enough to push me over the edge.
*time skip *
The bell had rung signaling lunch I really honestly couldn't wait to talk to Daniel. I walk into the luck room quickly and search for the brown haired angel in skinny jeans. I scan the crowd ,nope,nope,nope,nope,no,not at all,YES . I walk over to him a little faster than I intended ( I didn't want to scare him off) " hey I'm phil" I say smiling ,he shook his head " yes I am and your name is?" I ask him . He looked down and and continued to shake his head " don't talk much huh?" I asked hoping he would just say something ,but instead he grabbed his note pad and wrote something before giving it to me to read

I don't talk because I don't deserve to talk . Now leave before you get hurt to ,and don't talk to me .
My hear broke as I read the note . He grabbed the note pad out of my hands before shoving his ear phones in and walking away . He had tears in his eyes.

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