chapter 3

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Artie's POV

"Hold on a second guys I have to check this really quick it's from Nick." I said to my friends.

Nick: Where are you I have to tell you about this girl that I met. I think I might love her.

Woah, is he crazy?! He cannot be in love with some girl he just met are you serious? This girl better be drop dead gorgeous and have an even better personality.

Artie: Dude are you serious? Where did you meet her? McDonald's? Is she your dream girl? Come on man you can't just look at a girl and be in love with her. Did you even talk to her?

Nick: Well, actually yes i did meet her at McDonald's... But that's not the point! The point is, I need to talk to you in person. Meet me at the car in 5.

Artie: Whatever man see you at the car.

Yes I am being a little harsh but I just don't want him getting hurt again. He's one of my best friends and I don't like seeing him hurt it's not fun trying to pick up the pieces between two people that you're friends with but I'm not getting into that story right now. 

As I'm walking to Nick's car I started to get hungry so I went to get a pretzel from Auntie Anne's. As I'm in line I hear two girls bombarding another one with a bunch of questions and I just thought it was girl talk until I heard the one say Nick and it caught my attention so I turned around and saw the girl Nick "fell in love" with I guess and I mean she's not that bad looking at all. She's very pretty but I don't see why he could fall in love with her that fast because he barely knows her. I realized that this whole time I was thinking I was staring at the girls and now all three of them are looking at me... Yikes. I just ran away, forgetting about getting food because I needed to get away. Plus I need to talk to Nick about this.

*In the car*

"Yo, bro I saw the girl that you're "in love with" I said.

"How did you know it was her?"

"I heard her talking to her friends about a Nick so I just figured it was you."

"Dude, What was she saying?!"

"To me, it sounded like she really likes you bro, and I'm not just saying that because you're my friend. I'm being honest."

"How do you know?!" he asked quite frantically.

"She seemed very smiley and giddy when talking about you but bro.."

"But what?!" 

"What if she was just one of your fans that played dumb just to talk to you."

Nick's face dropped and he sank in his seat and just stared out the window for a good solid 5 minutes.

I finally spoke up and said, "Nick, you really don't know though bro, maybe she doesn't know who you are! We'll find out somehow ok? Why don't we go to my place and film a video for my channel because I need to post one tomorrow?"

While starting the car he said, "Alright but we need to find this girl's twitter or something so we can find out because even if she is a fan, I need her to be mine."

When he said I knew right then and there that he really loved her. He never just says that he needs someone to be his unless it's like food or something but this is a girl he met today that he doesn't know anything about. I'm not really sure how this is going to work but I need to find her twitter or something but I'm sure Nick will probably find it before I do.

Hey maybe she has some friends that I can meet. Ok wait no that's selfish. 

"Artie, you good?" Nick asked as he snapped his fingers in front of my face.

"Yeah bro I'm fine, just thinking sorry." I said laughing hysterically.

"So what are we going to film since it is your channel."

"I was thinking about just doing a Q&A. You wanna tweet it out you your fans and I'll tweet it out to mine?"

"Yeah, but we should have a hashtag, what should it be?"

" #AskNickandArtie ?"

"Yeah sure why not."

"Alright I tweeted 'Filming with artiebabz send in your questions with the hashtag #AskNickandArtie'"

"Perfect, and now we wait."

After awhile we started getting a ton of questions so we decided to start. But, while reading through some questions before filming I came across this one that had the hashtag but only my twitter and it read 'don't put this in the video but can you dm me it's about your friend Nick and my friend Savannah #AskNickandArtie." The tweet was from a girl named Arianna so I decided to dm her.

A/N: woah artie's POV. I decided to switch it up a little bit. I guess the next POV will be one of Sav's friends or will it be Sav and Nick seeing each other again, hmm who knows I guess you'll just have to find out.

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