chapter 4

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Savannah's POV

After being bombarded with questions by Ari and Carly we finally left the mall and went back to my house because I still had to unpack and set up my room a little bit more. While driving I had Carly put some music on because for one I didn't want anymore questions and two I wanted to think for a little bit because I had no clue what I was going to do.

"Sav is it alright if I put some one direction on." Carly asked

"Yeah sure it doesn't really matter." I said.

I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to see Nick again because I didn't get his number or social media or anything. I really need to talk to him again, I want to get to know him. I want to know his biggest fears, his hidden talents, his not so hidden talents. Anything really, I sound crazy but I'm serious. Just something about him just makes me want to know everything about him. I realized that we were at my house now. I guess it's not good that I wasn't paying attention while driving but hey we made it in one piece. When we got back to the house I went straight to my room with Ari and Car following me. I started digging through boxes looking for all my decorations because that's all i had left to do. I just needed to decorate. I hung up some of my fairy lights, I put a world map over my bed because I want to mark down the places I travel to along with that i put my brother's two guitars on either side of it (yes I sort of know how to play), and lastly I put my white bed sheets on my bed. Wow so tumblr I know but that's how I liked my room, it's actually really cozy. I finally finished my room (picture above). I sat down on the edge of my bed and I looked around and saw Carly passed out on my floor and Ari spinning around on my spinning chair, messaging someone on twitter.

"Hey A, who are you messaging?" I asked

"Oh, it's no one but do you want to go get fro-yo with Car and three of my friends tomorrow at 2?"

"Wait where are we going tomorrow?" Carly said while waking up

"Apparently fro-yo with us and three of A's friends, I'm down because it's fro-yo. What about you Car?"

"Yeah as long as I can take another nap on your bed right now because I'm tired."

"Go for it." I said laughing

I look over at Ari again and I see her smirking at her phone.

"A, seriously, who are you talking to because you keep smirking and I'm beginning to think that you either have a boyfriend you're not telling me about or you're planning something?"

"Sav, I swear it's no one I just saw something funny on my timeline you have nothing to worry about. Nothing at all actually." she said while smirking again.

Whatever I gave up trying to figure out what she's doing on that phone because part of me doesn't really want to know... But I'm pretty sure she's talking to that kid Reed so it was probably him. I guess I should probably go call my parents and see what they're doing.

"Hey mom where are you, the boys and dad?"

"Oh um hey honey we were going to tell you this in person but you went out with your friends so I guess I'll just tell you now. That house that you're in right now is kind of yours. I know you're pretty young to be living on your own but Carly's parents are right across the street and they'll be keeping an eye on you from now on but I thought that you could get your dance career started up better in New York than in Virginia so surprise I guess."

"Oh.. um ok, when will I see you all again because I couldn't say bye because uh well I didn't know you guys weren't staying with me." I said in shock.

"We'll come see you next weekend ok! Well I have to go I have to make dinner bye sweetie! Oh and Carly and Arianna can live with you if you want ok bye!" she said while hanging up.

(A/N: picture of the house is above and the house is so nice because her parents have good high paying jobs)

I stood in the kitchen in shock for a second before realizing that I'm going to have to live in my own now. I kind of liked that idea to be honest because I could decorate the house how I wanted it, I could make my own decisions, and I can go wherever I want whenever I want. I ran back up to my room to tell the girls to go get dressed because I was taking them out to dinner so I could ask them if they wanted to live with me.

"Carls, Ari!" I screamed while jumping on the bed to wake them up.

"Whaaat" they both groaned.

"Get up and get dressed I'm taking you guys to dinner I have important news!" I said while smiling.

"What you found the mall dudes twitter?" Car said laughing.

"No, I wish though but seriously go get dressed!"

They both went home to get ready and they would be back here in an hour.

*At the restaurant*

"So what's your important news?" Arianna asked.

"Ok, so, I talked to my mom on the phone today and she said that the house I'm in is mine and that her, the boys, and my dad found a house in Virginia for them so they're back there and I'm living in that house on my own."

"So how does this pertain to us?" Carly said.

"I'm glad you asked because what am I going to do in that huge house all by myself? Do you know how lonely I'll get? I wanted to know if you two wanted to move in with me because if I want to live in my first house with anyone it would be you two losers." I said with a big smile on my face.

They both started screaming, jumping up and down, and pulled me into a hug.

"YEES YES YES YES YES YES" They both exclaimed.

Well I guess I have two roommates, a new house, and a new town. Who knows what's going to happen next.

A/N: kind of a long chapter and not a lot of Savannah and Nick in it but next chapter there is going to be a big event so stay tuned

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