chapter 7

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*2 months later*

Nick's POV

Some time has passed since the movie night but here let me fill you in on a few things. First off, Savannah knows about my singing career and about my fans and she is very supportive of everything I do. Sav and I have gotten really close as well. We have spent a lot of time together we're like best friends. I tell her everything, she's a really good listener and gives good advice. I try my best to give her advice when she comes to me but sometimes it's hard because it's girl problems that i don't know what to say but she has been going to Carly or Arianna for that stuff but she later fills me in on what happened. Enough about the past, today is the day. I'm going to make Sav mine. I set up a projector in the spare room that they have and I'm going to order pizza and wings and we're going to have a chill date. I'm casually going to ask her because she told me a week ago that she doesn't like those all out dates as much as she likes stay at home dates so that's what I planned. I decided to text her,

Nick: hey, i'm taking you on a date tonight, dress comfy, I'll see you in the spare room at 7.

Sav♔: this is a surprise but it's a good one and made me really happy so ok see you at seven nicholas♡

Nick: ♡♡♡♡♡

It was now 5 so I decided to go set up the room. I got a bunch of pillows, blankets, sheets, and lights to make a little fort to watch movies in. It looked pretty good if I do say so myself. After I was all done in there it was about 6 now so I decided to order the food so it would still be hot at 7. Oh yeah by the way I had Arianna take Sav to Reed's house with her so I could set it all up, it's not like we're in the same house right now. To be honest I'm really nervous about asking her because I don't know if she'll say yes. I mean she did show interest at one point but I hope it's still the same. My thoughts were interrupted by my phone, it was a text from Sav,

Sav♔: I'm on my way over because all A and Reed are doing are being cute and I feel lonely. Plus I want to see you like right now, I need a Nick hug.

Nick: My arms are open. Did something happen?

Sav♔: Just stupid shit I shouldn't be thinking about, I just need you.

Nick: I'll see you soon ok, we'll have a great night I promise♡♡

Sav♔: thank you, I'll see you in 2 minutes, be ready to be bear hugged♡

Nick: I was born ready♡

Right on que she pulls up and I just stand in front of the door with my arms open because this happens a lot. If she has a bad day I'm always there ready to hug her because that's what comforts her. She opens the door looking beautiful as ever and runs into my arms. We stood there for a good solid 5 minutes until the doorbell rang because the food was here. She went to get changed I'm guessing and I got the food. I walked to the spare room and set the food inside the fort and then I went to Savannah's room.

"You ready for our date?" I asked while grabbing her hand

"Ready as I'll ever be." she smiled.

We walked up to the third floor, where the spare room is, and walked in. I looked at Sav and her eyes lit up and she smiled so big.

"Is this all for me?" she looked up at me smiling big

"Of course it is, you deserve it." I said smiling down at her.

She just hugged me really tight then ran into the fort. We decided to watch 'In Your Eyes' first, which is surprisingly a good movie. I could barely pay attention though because I kept looking at Sav and thinking about when I was going to ask her. I'm thinking after this movie is over, which is in 10 minutes. I really can't wait to call this gorgeous girl mine. I started watching the movie again until I heard sniffles so I looked at Savannah and she was crying but it was a happy cry. Even though she was happy crying I still pulled her into a hug. We laid there for a couple minutes just enjoying each other's company so I decided that it was time to ask her.

"Hey Sav, can I ask you something?" she looked up at me

"Yeah, anything of course."

"So, these past few months have been amazing. I've gotten to know a smart, beautiful, talented girl, who I thought I would never see again. I love how your eyes get this sparkle when you talk about something you're passionate about. I also love how crazy you are. You always dance to any music that's on which is so great. Every time I look at you and talk to you I find another thing I love about you. So, Savannah will you be my girlfriend?" I said looking at the gorgeous girl in front of me.

"I thought I told you to never make me cry, you're so cute. Yes I will be your girlfriend, Is there any other possible answer?" she said that and then tackled me in another hug.

After we pulled away from our hug I looked at Sav just thinking how did I get so lucky? I kept flickering my eyes from her eyes to lips and before I knew it I was leaning in. Our lips were an inch apart and she broke the space. Fireworks went off. How happy I felt at this very moment didn't compare to anything. She smiled into the kiss which made me laugh and cause us to pull away. We just looked at each other smiling until Sav decided to get up and run away. Being the Nick I am I ran after her. I heard her cute little giggle from behind the couch so I snuck behind her and screamed which scared the shit out of her. She got up and started running again but she couldn't get that far because I grabbed her waist and threw her over my shoulder.

"Nick, put me down!" she laughed.

"Sorry babe, no can do."

"I'm serious this isn't funny."

"Yep that's why you're laughing."

"Shut up dude" She said laughing again

I brought her upstairs to the spare room again and gently threw her on the bed.

"Stay there, I'm going to clean this up then we're going to bed."

"You know I can help right?"

"No you're staying right there ok princess?" I said while kissing the top of her head.

I brought all of the food downstairs and wrapped up the leftovers and put them in the fridge. I put all of the blankets and pillows back where they belong, but kept the ones for the spare room bed. By the time I was finished cleaning up Savannah was passed out on the bed. I put her under the covers and crawled in next to her putting my arm around her waist pulling her closer to me. She immediately responded and put her head on my chest and snuggled in. I smiled at her actions. I finally have the girl of my dreams.

A/N: Well they're finally together! I know the chapter is kind of rushed but I wanted to get to the point ya know? I hope you're liking it so far. If you have any suggestions let me know! Please vote for each chapter when it goes up, it'll really help me. thanks fam

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