Chapter 1: Midnight

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The bell chimed as it turned midnight and Rogue Cheney sighed and a small cloud of smoke came out as it was quite cold out but then again it was December so what would expect? 
It was silent and Rogue believed to be alone on the platform but was wrong.
He then heard a rather loud meow and he looked down to see a cat that looked a bit red and it was looking up at him as if to say 'I'm here so fuss me' and Rogue was used to this look as his cat did the same thing 

He looked around and saw nobody to claim it so he knelt down and fussed the cat and eventually stood up and the cat meowed again but before he could do anything there was the sound of footsteps and of course he turned but he saw nobody so he turned back and was about to kneel down when there was more footsteps so he whizzed around and nobody was there once again. He just sighed and thought he must have been tired but he was mistaken by the sound of running and a voice.

"Lector you little shit!" the masculine voice yelled and he turned around to see a boy about his age come running along and he threw himself on the floor and grabbed the cat and rolled over and stood up with the cat in his arms. He was quite athletic. 

The boy then had a look on his face that showed that he had only just registered that Rogue had seen him do that and he just grinned at Rogue.

"Sorry about that man, my cats a little shit when it comes to wandering off," he said and placed the cat down but not before glaring at it.

"I didn't think anybody would be here at this time," Rogue said and Sting just laughed.

"I've been at so many train stations at midnight it's unbelievable."

"You travel a lot I assume then?"

Sting turned his back to him and sighed.

"I've been doing this for four years and you know what? I never stop loving the freedom I have to go where I want and do what I want with my life," Sting said and Rogue's eyes widened.

Four years?

"Say what's your name?" He asked turning back around.

"Um Rogue Cheney," he greeted and the boy just nodded his head.

"It has a nice ring to it and my name is Sting Eucliffe,"

Rogue offered his hand to shake but was taken aback when Sting hugged him.
Of course Sting pulled away eventually and Rogue just gave him a confused look.

"What? Have you never hugged a guy before?" Sting asked with a little laugh.

"Actually no," Rogue said.

"Oh? I do it a lot."

"I see... do you mind me asking how old you are Sting?" 

"I'm seventeen, you?"


Then the sound of a train was heard and the two looked at it and looked back at each other.

"Wanna sit with me? I haven't sat with anybody in a while," Sting offered and Rogue contemplated and decided to do it.

So after an hour or so the two had actually discovered what their intentions were, Rogue was just a run away who was looking for a change and Sting had ran away four years ago for a reason he did not tell and they had told each other where they wanted to go so they created a list and for some reason Rogue wanted to go with Sting when he offered.

So it was settled the two were going to travel but an issue came to Rogue's mind.

"Um what about money?" Rogue asked and Sting just smirked.

"Don't worry about that Rogue I've got it covered," Sting didn't say how but Rogue was just hoping he hadn't stolen it but he highly doubted that.

"Ok so where to first then?" Sting asked resting his hand under his chin.

"How about England first?" and Sting just nodded in agreement.

"Sounds good to me."

Of course Rogue had to tell Sting that his friend Yukino had told him to stay at her for a couple of nights that morning so that was their true first stop but after they would begin their real journey.

Rogue watched as Sting looked out the window and he just smiled to himself, there was definitely something about Sting that made him want to travel wherever he went.

Ok! So 1st chapter up! I do hope you enjoy it and another will be up hopefully within a week or a bit more just depends but anyway I suppose till next time! ^^

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