The Untamed

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Chapter twelve
Part two

"You left just one, me," said Zoah. "I was locked up in a separate room" Zoah continues to say, "My father put me in there just before you guys broke out Mist." "And it was Mist that killed my father," said Zoah so angry.

"I later was able to get out of the room and seen that no one had survived," said Zoah. "I was on that island for a whole month." "That's how bad you guys destroyed that place," Zoah continued to say.

"I'm sorry to say but, that is what we did," said Tidel. "I'm here to protect Oasis." "If you try to hurt her or me, I won't hesitate to reenact that night," said Tidel with a smirk while looking at Zoah.

"We need to hurry back to Marlin." I said "I still have more questions," I said to Zoah while slapping Tidel in the chest. "We need to trust each other, Zoah don't let us down," I said to him.

"Oasis, I won't," said Zoah. "Come on, lets go back to my grandfather," he said as he's starting to walk back to the lab waving his arm up. Tidel still looking back at the direction of Creek and Wave.

We all start walking towards the lab. It's not to far ahead now. "Zoah how many of us do you know about?" I asked. "Well I know that there has been over 25 immeasurables," he answered and continues to say, "we're having trouble locating some of them. It's the ones we can't find is what we don't know," he said.

I said to him, "there are only seventeen of us at our temple and now counting Mist there are eighteen." "Tidel do you know anything about the other seven immeasurables," I asked.

Tidel looking at me and said, "No, Mist was the first I knew about." Tidel continues talking and said, "he was the only one caught by the humans." "The Untamed kept telling me to only focus on getting Mist out." "The Untamed said if it was my only true goal that I could unlock the full potential," said Tidel.

We finally are back to the gate, Zoah again shouting, "Omar open the gate." We get inside and everyone is looking worried as we're walking. I look at Tidel quitely saying, "its OK, Tidel they won't hurt you."

He said to me, its not that." "How can I protect everyone if the Untamed comes here, said Tidel. Zoah overhearing us and said, "My grandfather is a very smart man, he will know exactly what to do and plus you have all of us helping you."

We start walking up the stairs going back to the lab. We walk in and Marlin looks up from doing his work and said, "ah Zoah, Oasis, I'm glad your back and who do we have here." Now walking towards at Tidel.

I said to Marlin, "This is Tidel, he's the one who helped me escape." "So you are Tidel," said Marlin. "Your family is well known on this island have they told you anything," continued Marlin.

Tidel looked at Marlin and asked "well known, what do you mean?" "Well this will be a long story so please sit down," said Marlin. Zoah walking over and clearing some room for us all to sit. "Well lets see, I guess we'll start from when the Untamed started his rise to power," said Marlin.

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