The Untamed

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Chapter thirteen

We are all back at the lab, where Marlin is clearing his throat, ready to tell us everything about the rise of the The Untamed, he sits down and said, "After the chemical formula worked on The Untamed, he quickly was working day and night."

"He and Oasis's father discovered that they could make new abilities, due to their healing ability." "They could take apart The Untamed's DNA even farther and put it back together," said Marlin. "But not using the same chromesomes." They were able to use DNA from some of these animals," said Marlin.

"They used animal DNA?" Tidel asked while looking confused. "Yes," replied Marlin as he get up and walks towards the table still speaking. "The animals on these islands of Hawaii, and in the Pacific Ocean surrounding us, have very unusual sixth senses or special abilities, Its coded in their DNA and The Untamed along with Bay figured out how to decipher their DNA," said Marlin.

"For instance having deciphered these animals DNA, they knew what two chromesomes were the tough skin of a shark," said Marlin. "They took the two chromesomes and switched them within the Untamed, ultimately making his skin and most of his body into a shark," said Marlin.

Marlin continued to say, "And due to the chemical formula he drank beforehand, the shark skin became even stronger." "Making it impenetrable, but they didn't stop there." "Deciphering more and implanting more until you see The Untamed as we now know," said Marlin

I couldn't help but to be in complete shock, Tidel looking and shouting at all of us saying, "that is impossible!" "It cannot be true," lastly he shouts. Marlin replying, "Tidel, it is very true, I have all the data right here," as Marlin reaches for something on the table, its now in his hand and he pressed it.

A white cloth is coming down from the ceiling and he said, "this is my projecter and you can see all the information is on here." Zoah jumps up and walks over to the wall. It goes dark in the lab but then a light coming from the back of the room is lighting up the white cloth.

"Look here, this is The Untamed but as his human form, Dr. Huburt Haynes, working on an immeasurables before he and his brother understood that they needed to make the DNA formula comprehensive with ones DNA," said Marlin.

"His formula name was Trent." Having the infused crayfish hard shell, stronger skin then the shark." But unfortunately he died 20 weeks into the experiment," said Marlin. "Both doctors thought that it was the crayfish's DNA that killed him, really not understanding why he died, they did not find out until another experiment died knowing about the comprehensive DNA," said Marlin.

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