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Johnny POV

After the elders left. I knew. I knew, I had to do something. I had to find out more about this...PROPHECY. I knew so little, all I knew was what they have told me. What they wanted me to know. Kayla needed to awaken and transform into a vampire to be the queen of our kingdom. My role in this, was to act as her bodyguard, ensure no harm gets to her and make her fall for me, for the good of our kingdom.

The elders were entitled to give orders given by the King of our realm. Their job was to protect me and look after me while I live in the human world to fulfil my part of the prophecy. In the human world the one rule that vampires must not break:


If you break this rule you will be banished to the underworld to die a slow and painful death. I know what you must be thinking. How do vampires die? There were different types of vampires, pure bloods, half bloods and those who were human who when bitten, transforming   into a vampire, "outcasts."

Pure bloods were vampires  who made the rules, and can change them as they wish. They can banish you even if you did nothing wrong. They were at the top of the hierarchy, they could do anything they desired. No-one would dare question, or confront them. That would result in an instant death wish.

Those who do not have pure vampire blood running through their veins can die easier than those with pure vampire blood. But they both die from one thing, a dragon's fire.

The vampire realm was not a place for humans.. nor half breeds. Half breeds were shun upon, as they contain half the blood of a human. Half- breeds don't have a place in the vampire world and so live among the humans.. They do not possess any powers and so, were useless to our kind. How could they possibly save the realm? How can they fight against those with powers? They can't. If a half-breed was spotted, there was no hesitation but, to kill them. For this reason, I was puzzled, to how Kayla was our Queen to be. She was a half breed. Or do they not know?

This made me glad that I took her memories, delaying her awakening. But, for how long?

That day, whilst taking her memories, I saw them. I saw her mother. Queen EvelynFrom what I know about her, she ran away and the only trace of her, was her crown. From Kayla's memory of when she was 1 year old queen Evelyn was still alive. She must of left, and faked her death, leaving her crown behind. All to be, with a human. Kayla had pure blood running through her veins. She was royalty.

But, how did they know about Kayla's existence? It's impossible.

I headed back to the apartment and wrote a letter to Kayla.

Dear Kayla,

When you arrive, I shall not be here. I will be gone for about 3 days. There is pre-prepared food in the freezer. Please help yourself while I'm gone.

Surely you can work a microwave ;)

Please behave. I have asked Sebastian, a friend of mine to look after  you while I'm away.


I left the letter on the kitchen table.

I must know, what they're hiding. I must get some answers.


Tell me what you guys think!



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