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What i was thinking at the time of writing this. Christmas Holidays! Woo! Finally.


The wind was fierce, pulling me back, as I flew toward the kingdom of Nosereph. There are four vampire Kingdoms which co-existed with one another for millions of years. However, this was the strongest among them all. The most dominant. You could say that it was the king of all kingdoms. There was a system that these kingdoms worked by, "The Feudal System". This system basically states, that the King of the kingdoms owned all the land. They lent out some of their land to those who they trusted, a Baron commonly called "Lord" ,but, everything comes with a price. In exchange for the land the Barons had to provide protection and money. Therefore, the Barons had to lend out some of their land to vampires who were gifted with strong powers in exchange for protection against invaders if any. These vampires then lent out their land to low power vampires n exchange for them to provide food. Low vampires had the lowest powers, powers which were useless in battle. This was how it worked for millions of years. This system really was just to benefit the King.

But, I am going change this soon.

I flew for hours, going through caves and trying to find the portal to the vampire realm. It was a long time since I went through this portal, and it was hidden inside a cave. It can only open to those with high power, this was because, those who were poor want  to escape. We lost a lot of low vampires escaping to other Kingdoms over the millinenia. Nosereph wasn't the king of the kingdoms for nothing. The motto in this Kingdom mercy. Low vampires were treated badly, they were treated as slaves. They could do nothing, there powers were useless against ours. Therefore, we made sure they could not escape, without our permission or knowing. Our kingdom had a vampire who had the power of a wizard. He casted a spell on the portal to make only high power vampires to be able to go in and out of the different worlds. We were in full control.

I went through the portal, and here I was, " The kingdom of Nosereph." It had not changed since I last saw it, 8 years ago. The sound of screaming in the distance, low vampires were being tortured.

The castle was in the distance. It was bared with high steel gates casted to never ware and for nothing to be able to destroy it , making it hard for anyone to pass through. Most vampires do not have wings, but, I do. One of my ancestors fell in love with an angel. My family don't consider him as family any more, he broke the royal line of vampires. Therefore in my blood, there was also angel blood running through them.

The only person that knows about my ability to fly was my father. He hid me for years as my wings started to grow at the age of 5. They were fully grown by the time I was 8. My father did not approve of my wings, as I am not purely vampire. I heard him sometimes in his room saying "why did my child have to be the cursed one. We were all normal for so long, pure vampire blood running through our veins, that we began to think that it would not affect our generation."

I felt like an outcast, but one day, he said " We found a prophecy my son. It states, a fireblazed vampire with the ability to fly, will have to engage with human contact with a girl your age in the human realm. This girl will save our kingdom, my son." And so, I was put in the human world set to fulfil my prophecy.

But, what my father said, was not enough explanation for me. I need answers and I will get some, but, it won't be easy that's for sure.

I flew toward the castle and flew in an open window.

" Why, if it isin't Prince Johnny of Nosereph" a voice said shocking me.

  The lights were closed and it was dark therefore, I assumed no-one was here. I flickered the lights on, it was Sebastian sitting beside the table. We were in the library. It had millions of books and tables and chairs.

" What are you doing here? I asked you to look after, Kayla," I said shocked and displeased.

" Hold your horses, I just wanted to see you before I went. Oh, and if your looking for more information on the prophecy. Be prepared. You might not like what you see" was the last thing Sebastian said as he headed out.

How come everyone knows more about this prophecy ,but, me. Even my own best friend. This frustrated me.  


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