Better not Mess with Me

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*One year later*


"(Y/N)!" I hear Dark Pit shouting my name as I try to find a hiding place. I know what you're thinking 'Why I am hiding?" Well, let's say that 'someone' threw a bucket of pink paint at Dark Pit. I thought it would be hilarious, and it was.

"You're paying for this. My perfect black wings..." Shoot! he's coming this way. Better get going. Where can I go? "(Y/N)!" Nevermind I'll find a place.

Dark Pit's POV

"Come here to clean this mess!" I shout. Man, where could she be? Oh! there's Pit. I'll ask him maybe he knows where she is.

"Hey Pit!" He turns to see me and gasps "have you seen (Y/N)?" Don't you dare laugh at me, don't you dare.

"Hahahahaha, P-Pittoo? Is that y-you?" "No, I'm Cupid" I say sarcastically "Oh, sorry sir, I confused you with someone else." I facepalm, how can he be so dumb? "It is me, you birdbrain!" I slap his head.

"Oww! What happened to you?" He asks as he rubs his head "My adorable girlfriend threw paint at me. I'm looking for her. Have you seen her?" I cross my arms

"No I haven't. You better take that off. I don't think you can fly with that." Pit says while signaling at my wings.

"No, she'll clean this mess not I. That's why I have to find her." Pit sighs "Okay, but you should find her soon." "Pfff! I will. How hard can it be?" I say as cocky as always.

*Two hours later*

"AAAARGH! I give up" I'm tired. Where is she? I look at my pink wings."I miss my black feathers." I sigh as I run my hand through my hair "And my hair, she painted my hair" I complain to myself. I guess I should take a bath.


"He'll never find me here. (Y/N), you are so clever!" I congratulate myself. I don't even know how much time I've been here. This steam is so relaxing and this sculpture isn't that bad. You guess right. I'm hiding behind a sculpture in one of the temple's hot springs.

"Oh! Dark Pit. He'll probabl-" someone opens the door. I look over the sculpture... it's Dark Pit.
I immediately hide again, but I did a small splash with my foot. I hope he didn't hear.

Dark Pit's POV

A splash? Aaaah... so here you are. Payback time. "I guess she won" I hear her giggle. I start taking my bracelets, sandals and laurel crown away. "I better take this paint off" I then take my belt.


This is great. I won't clean his wings after all-WHAT IS HE DOING?! My whole body starts to warm up. He is taking his belt away. He is just kidding...right?!
I gasp when I see him taking his tunic off revealing his back and toned chest.

Dark Pit's POV

I have you where I wanted. "The great finale" I grab my pants

"NOOOOOOOOOO!" (Y/N) gets out of her hiding place, shouting.

"Aha! Here you are" she is staring blankly at me. Geez! Her face is as red as my eyes "I think I deserve an 'I'm sorry Dark Pit' don't you think, Mrs. Cherry Face?" I smirk at her.

"A-alright, just p-put something o-on" she's so cute when she's flustered. "Come on! I know you like what you see..." I love teasing her. Her face starts to grow hotter. Payback! "Don't you want a hug" I come near her.

"N-no! I'm sorry....I'll do whatever you want, but please put something..." I stop "Fine... clean my wings and my hair." I get into the hot spring.

"Aren't you p-putting your t-tunic on?" She says nervously "After you do what I said." I grab her wrist and pull her to the hot spring. Then I grab her by her waist and bring her closer. "If you mess with me, I'll mess with you." I whisper on her ear. I feel how my voice makes her shiver.

We can say I get my revenge.

A/N: Sorry for it being short. Well se ya all in the next chapter. ;)

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