The Riddle

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*One month later*

Dark Pit's POV

"Uuum... (Y/N)?" I knock at the bathroom's door. "It's everything okay-" "blaaaaargh" I'll take that as a no. She hasn't feel well since two hours ago.

"My stomach hurts" she says while leaving the bathroom and sliding to bed. "Next time, I'd listen to you" I cover her with a blanket. "How was I supposed to know that I'll get ill?" her voice sounds tired.

"(Y/N), you ate like a gallon of floored ice cream. It's ice cream that fell to the floor, like literally. Who knows how many bacteria are in your poor stomach?" I softly kiss her forehead. "Drink this. It will help you sleep." She grabs the cup of tea and drinks it. I'm tired is like two in the morning.

"Dark Pit..." "Yes?" I ask her "Come to bed with me" she whispers. I nod and lay on bed.  I try to hug her softly. I don't want to touch her belly.

"Better?" She answers with a gentle hum "Good night" I kiss her cheek. Tomorrow you will be feeling better.

*Next morning*


I slowly open my eyes. Dark Pit is still asleep. We have to go to the temple. "Dark Pit" I move him. He open his eyes. "Morning, love" I smile at him.

"Morning (Y/N)" he yawns and sits down on the bed "How's your stomach?" He said while stretching his arms and wings.

"Actually, I'm feeling better." I stand up from bed. "I'm glad to hear that" he happily said. "(Y/N) we have to go to the temple! Is late, besides maybe Palutena can give you some medicine." Dark Pit said as he rushes to the hot spring.

"But I'm feeling better" I cross my arms. My stomach still hurts a little, but if I say that Dark Pit wouldn't let me leave bed. I walk to the kitchen to make breakfast.

*At the temple*

"Good... morning Lady... Palutena" I pant. Dark Pit and I rushed to the temple. Palutena giggles. Maybe we look like a mess.

"Morning Dark Pit and good morning" she turns to see me and gasps. What? Maybe my hair is a mess "(Y/N)?" She smiles at me.

"Is something wrong?" I ask her while brushing my hair with my hands. She looks at me confused.

"No, no, everything's okay." She starts to smile again. What has gotten into her? I akwardly smile back.

"Are you sure, because yesterday-" I widen my eyes. Oh no... here it comes. I cover my mouth and run to the nearest bathroom. "Blaaaaargh!"

Dark Pit's POV

"As you can hear, (Y/N) isn't feeling well" I said to Palutena. I expected her to be worry but she's happy? Why? "I don't think her illness is a good reason to smile" I said angrily to her.

"Hey, easy Pittoo" I frown. "I can heal her, but I need you to get one ingredient" That's a relief Palutena knows a cure. "I a Parrot Flower" she got to be kidding me.

"Palutena that thing grows up on human's world only. And if I'm not mistaken, it's an extremely weird flower."

"If you don't get one quickly, (Y/N) will reach a phase that doesn't has cure. If I were you I would hurry" What? I didn't know she's that ill. No, I don't want to loose her.

"I'm going" with that said I run to the door and make my way to human's world. I hope I can find that flower.


"I'm going to die?!" I heard, because I was returning from the bathroom. Palutena turns to me "I don't want to die Lady Palutena!" I cried loudly.

"Woah! (Y/N) you're not dying" I can barely hear her between my whines "I said that because I need to talk to you privately" She pats my shoulder.

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