My Little Angel. I

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Dark Pit's POV

"Pwease, pwease, Darkyyyyyy" (Y/N) is pulling my arm like a little girl and begging me to go out and fly with her. "Pwease!" Great! Now she's doing her cute puppy face. "You know it won't last forever" that smile.

"Fine." it's official. I'm soft now. "Yay! Love you Dark Pit!" I raise an eyebrow "you only love me because I said yes?" she giggles "No, don't be so childish." See who's talking now. We both exit our house and start to fly.

"This is AWESOME!!" (Y/N) shouts as she flies besides me. I love the fact that she can fly freely. I know it will last until our baby is born. But we enjoy it while it lasts.

"You're doing great (Y/N)!" Her face is full with joy. Her gorgeous (H/L) (H/C) is flowing with the wind. Man, is not fair that she can't fly with her wings. She really loves to fly.

"D-Dark P-Pit!" She distracts me from my thoughts. "Can... we take...a brake?" I forgot that she gets tired very quickly. I don't blame her. I don't think is easy to carry a baby. I nod at her and help her land. "Thanks, love" we both sit down.

"I want to know you so badly" I say as I kiss (Y/N) swollen belly. She sighs and tries to rest. "You ok?" I'm worried. She looks so exhausted.


"I'm fine. You...really like... to tired mommy out." I smile at Dark Pit and caress my baby "And Dark, be... patient. Only... one more month." I take a deep breath and stand up. "Let's go Dark Pit. I want to enjoy the breeze." With that said I flap my wings and fly. Dark Pit starts to follow me.

"Are you sure of this (Y/N)?" I'm glad I have such a caring husband, but sometimes it's annoying. I nod at him "Okay then." he continues to fly behind me.

"Dark Pit, you should stop to- AAAAAARGH!" I feel a sharp pain in my left wing. What was that? I'm loosing height. "HEEELP ME!"

"(Y/N)!" Dark Pit dives to catch me. I close my eyes tightly waiting for the impact. "Agh!" I feel Dark Pit's arm around me. We both fall, but Dark Pit uses his body to soften the crash.

"D-Dark..." I feel how my lips quiver. I'm scared and my wing hurts a lot. What kind of psychopath would shoot at a pregnant woman?

"Yay! Two birds with one shot!" That voice. I turn around, what?!! "Hello, my despicable lovely doveys."

"Pandora?!" Both Dark Pit and I shout. I feel how my body freezes with fear. I can't imagine what she is capable to do to me... or worst. To my baby. She is in her ghostly form , but that doesn't mean she is defenseless.

"What do you want?! CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE US ALONE?!" Dark Pit's embrace around me tightens. As if he doesn't want to let go of me.

"Awww, Dark Pit. So you did changed me for her. " Pandora says while floating near us. "I just want my power back. How am I suppose to live in this form?" I see how a smirk forms in Dark's mouth.

"I don't care if you live or not." His voice sounds break "J-just go away." he is as scared as me.

"I'll leave when I have my powers back. Thanks for multiplying it by the way." Dark Pit stands up with me. "That little buddie over there. I want it!"

"Run." Dark Pit whispers to me. I nod and start running as fast as my body can endure. "I won't allow you to touch them. Don't you dare!" Dark Pit shouts as he runs to Pandora.

Dark Pit's POV

"Too late Dark Pit" Too late? Pandoras fires a blue fire ball at (Y/N). I immediately turn around to (Y/N).

"(Y/N)!" I'm not gonna make it. The ball is about to hit her. "Watch out!" I see a big explosion and a lot of smoke. I feel how my strenght leaves my body. I didn't protect her. "(Y/N)..."

"Hey Blue Flame! You should improve your aim!" That voice. I raise my sight to see the smoke fading through the air.

"Not during my watch!" Pit, is protecting (Y/N) with the Gaurdian orbitars while Viridi embraces her. "Sorry to keep ya waiting!" Pit winks at me.

"You did it just in time." I feel anger getting over me. I turn to Pandora "Now. YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS. LET'S GO PIT!" Pit nods and follows behind me.

Viridi's POV

"Don't worry (Y/N). You'll be fine" I'm trying to comfort her. She's trembling, but if she doesn't relaxs the baby could get hurt.

"Aaaaagh!" (Y/N) screams. Don't tell me that "Oh no! (Y/N) the baby is coming!" All this stress rushed the baby's birth.

"But... agh! it's not... t-time" she can barely stand up. Oh no this is getting worst. Pit and Dark Pit are fighting against Pandora and I have a pregnant, hurt angel with me.

"Palutena I need your help. Teleport us right away!" I hope she does it fast. (Y/N) needs to give birth right now or...she would die.

A/N: Hey guys! Dani here. Yay! Cliffhanger. Please don't kill me. I hope you guys liked it and let's see what happens in the next chap. Happy 2016 btw. n.n

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