Episode 6

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Winx Club The True Season 7 ep6

The Winx were flying towards the Oblivion Dimension.
"Man, we've been flying for hours!" Moaned Musa.
"Don't worry, we're nearly there!" Bloom pointed to a planet that looked like a large, black, opposite version of the sun, and indeed it was the opposite.

The Winx landed on the ground, it was mostly dark blue rock and the sky was cloudy. Stella began to go pale and she rubbed her arms. "Stella, are you okay?" Flora walked over to the fairy of the shining sun.
"Don't you guys feel... drained?" She asked.
"I'm not sure, but the lack of nature here is making me a bit tired." Flora agreed.
Aisha walked up to them,
"It's probably the dark magic in the air. My magic is getting a bit wierd too."
"Come on guys, we have to get going!" Bloom called, fluttering above the ground. They walked through an arch that was made of the blue rock. Selina walked alongside Bloom, and sighed, looking refreshed.
"The shadow energy here feels refreshing." She explained.
"Well you're the fairy of shade, too bad our magic is fading." Bloom gave a weak smile.
"Hey," Selina began in an encouraging voice, "Don't worry. I'll be able to fight better with all the shade magic in the air."
"That makes sense." Tecna nodded.
"So, where should we-" Musa began.
Suddenly the four girls heard a pained groan followed by a thud. The girls turned around to see that Stella had collapsed, she was still in fairy form. Flora and Aisha were holding her tight.
"Oh no!" Gasped Flora, stroking the fairy's hair.
"It must be too dark for her." Concluded Tecna. The pale fairy's eyes slowly opened.
"G- Guys... what'd I miss?" Asked Stella weakly.
"You fainted. Are you alright?" Flora asked,
"I- I'm fine... I just have to get used to the lack of light." The blonde girl explained, standing up.
"Right." Bloom called, "We have to find the butterfly, wherever it is!"

The Winx and Selina walked farther into the dark realm, and suddenly heard something. It sounded like faint electric sparks, the pointy rocks around them began glowing.
"Uh oh..." whispered Musa, the Winx gasped. In seconds, balls of intense magic came from each rock.
"Sonic Percussion!" Musa sent a blast of Butterflix magic at the balls, but they kept coming.
"Maybe we have to blast the rocks! Flame storm!" Yelled Bloom. The rocks absorbed the magic. Just as the girls were about to be finished, Selina held up her hands and an orb of grey, glittery shadow magic formed around them. It absorbed the energy of the balls and the fairy of shade then threw the storee magic at the rocks. Blasting them to pieces.
"Phew!" The girls sighed as Selina dropped the sheild.
Tecna held out her hands and tried to scan the area. A magical hologram appeared but seconds later it faded and the magenta haired fairy began sweating.
"A power faliure, great! My magic is so weak here!" She groaned,
"All our magic is weak... accept Selina." Aisha added. Selina turned to look at Aisha.
"Believe it or not. Even though it's strengthening me, it's kinda overwhelming, being here."
"Forget it guys. We have to find Stella's butterfly."
"Guys... I..." Stella began slowing down.
"Stella, are you alright?" Bloom asked, sounding almost panicked.
"I'm starting to feel all wierd again. But I'll pull through." She muttered. Bloom nodded and walked with her friend.
"The silence here is unnatural." Gasped Musa. Suddenly, a rock creature appeared and roared loudly.
"You were saying about silence?" Aisha trembled.
"Morphix blast!" She yelled, causing morphix energy to blast the creature. It took no affect.
"Light Halo!" Yelled Stella, as a circular halo trapped the creature. It couldn't break out.
"Get ready!" Called Musa. Tecna, Musa and Flora held up their hands.
"BUTTERFLIX CONVERGENCE!" They yelled, a blast of magic vaporized the monster. Then the butterflix fairies fell to their knees and transformed back.
"Whoa..." mumbled Musa,
"Ugh..." Flora panted,
"So... dizzy..." groaned Tecna.
Aisha ran up to Musa, Bloom ran up to Tecna, and Stella ran up to Flora.
"You shouldn't have done that. Now you've used up all your magic." Aisha shook her head.

In the next episode, the Winx and Selina will briefly fight Livina. But the fight is cut short when a mysterious fairy comes in to save the day.

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