Episode 3

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Winx Club - The true Season 7 Ep3

"Morphix cloud!" Yelled Aisha, a pink mist surrounded Livina. The woman held up a hand and absorbed her magic.
"Really? You girls are pathetic!" She taunted.
"Ray of pure light!" Stella created a globe of light energy that temporarily blinded the blonde villain.
"Emptiness orb!" Livina attacked, the dark energy created a haze of darkness in the room. Stella gasped in pain.
"The darkness! It's so strong!"
Bloom put up her hand and called out,
"Red Dragon Orb!" A sheild of blazing hot power formed around Stella, lighting up where she was.
"T- thanks Bloom!" The sunny fairy smiled.
Flora, since she had just gained her Butterflix, was trying hard to protect the plants in the room.
"Shade... blast!" Chanted Selina, another jolt of strong magic hit the witch. Selina loved her new Legendarix fairy powers.
"Byo-rhythmic blast!" Screamed Tecna, a jolt of techno power hit Livina hard. She was slammed against the wall of the greenhouse, causing several plants to fall down.
Smirking nastily, Livina used the same techno-draining spell that she used before.
"Tecna gets affected the most by my weakness magic, so why not?" The witch asked herself. Tecna began to feel her magic being drained and fell back in Selina's arms. The former witch helped Tecna lie down.
"Winx! Tecna's been hit!" She called to the girls. Before they could do anything to help, Livina held up a hand. As she did, she began to drain Aisha's magic, she fell to her knees, still in fairy form.
"Aisha, no!" Bloom gasped. Seconds later she began to feel weak too, she fell to her knees and dropped the orb surrounding Stella.
"Ha ha ha!" Cackled Livina, she then paused, "Wait, weren't there seven of the fairies?"
"Did you forget about me?" Giggled Flora, tapping the witch from behind, Flora then flew over to the girls.
"Breath of spring!" She whispered, green, butterfly-shaped sparkles rained down on the Winx healing them and giving them their strength back.
"Now that's more like it!" Smiled Stella feeling the sudden rush of energy,
"What happened?" Gasped Tecna as her eyes snapped open.
"I just thought I'd... drop in!"
As Flora said, 'drop in' she created vines that wrapped Livina up.
"Ugh. Forget this!" She groaned, struggling, "I still have a chance to get the other butterflies!" She then vanished.
The girls all high dived each other, but suddenly Flora gasped and transformed into her human form.
"Flora, are you alright?" Tecna asked,
Flora nodded.
"A bit tired, but I'll be alright."

Later on, the Winx were relaxing in Musa's music cafe.
"Flora managed to gain the first ancient butterfly, where's the rest of them?" Wondered Aisha.
The girls all shrugged, apart from Bloom who was thinking hard.
"Guys! Do you remember what the butterfly said?"
Stella thought back to when the butterfly whispered, 'Cryos' under it's  breath.
"It said Cryos... what could it mean?"
Tecna gasped,
"Cryos! The king of Zenith, he must know where the next clue is... or better yet the next butterfly."
"Let's hope so," Bloom nodded.
"How're we gonna get there? The specialists ships can't fly all the way to Zeinth." Flora reminded.
"I have an idea... how about a techno portal!" Tecna got out her phone, and layed it on the ground. It suddenly began to glow, then a powerful portal emerged.
"Wait!" Stella gasped, everyone turned to look at her, "We need extra cool outfits!"
Everyone in the room sighed in annoyance. Stella clicked her fingers and in a spiral of starry light, the girls were dressed in awesome winter clothing.
"Come on guys," Tecna called, "I can't hold this much longer!"
Quickly, the Winx jumped in the portal and the next thing they knew, they were on Zenith, Tecna's home planet. It was snowing as usual, and all of the buildings were running on strong electric energy.
"It's so good to be home!" The fairy gasped in pure amazement.
"Ahh, Zenith! It's awesome here!" Stella smiled,
"So Tecna, where's Cryos' palace?" Bloom asked.
"Just across the electric buildings. But I have a faster way of getting there." The fairy of technology smiled. She clapped twice and six hoverboards appeared, all of them stood on one, except Stella.
"Uhh, I'm not very comfortable on those... things!" She explained pointing to them as if they were dangerous.
"Don't worry Stella." Laughed Tecna, "We'll both go on my board."
Shakily, the sun fairy nodded and put her arms around Tecna's shoulders.
"One... two... three!" At three, the girls kicked off, rocketing into the sky.
"Woo hoo!" Cheered Musa.
"Race ya to the palace!" Grinned Bloom as she zipped forward. The girls were having fun on the hoverboards, all accept Stella who was clutching tightly onto the magenta-haired fairy. The Winx fairies landed and walked into the palace courtyard, when suddenly, Tecna fell back. Quickly, Bloom caught her.
"Tecna, Tecna are you okay?" She shook the fairy.
"She'll be fine." A man replied, the Winx turned around to see King Cryos with his guards. "Winx, it's good to see you again." He smiled. "I believe you're looking for the clef butterfly, correct,"
The girls nodded.
"Do you know where it is?" Aisha asked.
"It should be in Alfea's magic archive. As for Tecna, she's probably just worn out." Explained the king.
"Livina's magic drain must really be weakening Tecna. She looks so pale." Flora sighed. Flora put a hand to the fairy's forehead, she whispered something. Tecna's eyes fluttered, then opened,
"G- Guys... how long have I been out?" She muttered.
"Not long." Cryos informed.
"King Cryos, do you know where we have to go to get the next butterfly?"
Musa grinned,
"Yep. Another trip to the archive!"
Tecna stood up, looking a bit irritated,
"Livina's magic keeps weakening me. But when I finally gain my Butterflix, nothing can stop us!"

In the next episode, the winx go to the magic archive. Livina is determined to get the butterfly before them... and when they find the book with the clef butterfly in. They get an unexpected SURPRISE.

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