Chapter 2

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"Your past is just a story and as soon as you realize this it has no power over you."


Aragorn walked out of the house with a smile. He was looking forward to finally smoking his pipe. He took a deep breath as soon as he was standing outside. The fresh air at night always managed to calm him down. He was travelling in company with four hobbits: Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin. The four had always been good friends of him, but sometimes they set his teeth on edge.

"I'm hungry!"

"Me too!"

"Me too!"

"Why can't you wait until we arrive at the tavern?" Aragorn had asked all four of them.
"I am for a voting!" Pippin was the worst in Aragorn's eyes, whenever he did something, Merry followed him in his footsteps. "Who wants to eat now?"


"Me too!"

"I can wait."
"Thank you Frodo." Aragorn rolled his eyes, it was already hard enough to be an outlaw and he had to hide for spies, but having four hobbits around him, who always wanted to visit a restaurant was certainly not helping to be unobtrusively. Nonetheless he was happy to have company and since the hobbits were on his side of the war, he was glad he had them around.

The air outside was chilly and the sky was clear. The strider started to fill his pipe with tobacco, when suddenly he noticed someone standing left of him. The person was wearing a cape and his gaze was fixed upon the landscape on the east. He was standing there like a shadow, Aragorn hadn't even heard him come. Being prepared for the worst he walked over to the silhouette with one hand on his sword. When he had arrived next to him he recognized his old friend Legolas.
"My friend, I didn't expect to see you here." He said surprised.

"I came to find you." The elf said. "Something happened, something that will change the future."

"What is it?" Aragorn asked anxious.

"Something entered this world," he paused for a moment to take a deep breath, "and it will change everything. Wizards and humans will have a stronger bond in future." His eyes were fixed on Aragorn's face, so that he could see his reaction.

The man looked at his friend incredulous, he didn't know what to think. Legolas had never been wrong with his visions, but this was doubtful. Wizards and humans? Having a bond? He could not believe that the war, that had been going on for years would just stop, so both sides could create a bond between each other. And what did he mean with something had entered this world? What could enter a world from outside? He decided to think about that in the morning. He would not come to a conclusion right now anyways, at the moment he was tired and he just wanted to smoke his pipe.

"Are you staying here?" Aragorn asked his friend.
"Yes." The elf said, "I will stay with you and the hobbits."

"Thank you." He said relieved. He was happy someone else would endure those little plagues with him as well and Legolas was a good company.

Ever since Aragorn had fled from the wizards, he had been in motion, that was the reason, why he also had been called the strider. He could never rest for long, since the wizards wanted his head, so he walked from one place to another. He had picked up the hobbits from along the way. They had been running from a farmer, because they had stolen food. The man could not use the company of the small persons, but they followed him like flies followed the light. So he settled with the thought, not being alone anymore, he needed someone to talk to anyways, so he was secretly glad when they followed him.

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