Chapter 15

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Until you find something to fight for, you settle for something to fight against. - Chuck Palahniuk


"I've seen the wizard's army." Aragorn declared, as the fellowship and some of Rohan's soldiers had been gathered in the main hall of Helm's Deep. "They are on their way here, now."

The witch's gaze wandered over the people in the room. She had started to care for every single one of them the last weeks, which she had been trapped in Middle-Earth. Her anxiety grew, when seeing their faces. Harry's look, who was standing next to her and Ron was serious and attentive, while Ron rubbed a hand over his face, looking worried. Pippin was standing in the middle of the hall, looking from Aragorn to Hermione with a shocked expression and plonked himself down on a chest. Merry was standing next to him, keeping his straight face and not moving at all. Frodo and Sam were sitting on the floor behind the witch. They were leaning against barrels, exchanging tired glances, as Boromir was pacing up and down passing them every time he turned. Legolas, Gimli, Théoden and Éomer were standing next to Aragorn behind the fireplace, which was in front of the witch all with their arms crossed.

"It has at least ten thousand soldiers and I don't know what kind of soldiers." Aragorn added. "They have come to fight and to kill Hermione." He turned towards the witch with an anxious frown. When their eyes met he sighed and added: "And to kill all of us and your friends." He made a gesture towards the wizards.

"Oh no." Boromir breathed, when hearing the words of the Dúnedain. "We do not have enough soldiers to uphold our fort."

Hermione didn't answer, instead her eyes were focused on the fireplace. She was absorbed in thought; she could never protect these people, they wanted to fight this battle, they would never leave a fight. She knew now, that she could not just go home without helping them. She had to do something about their lives, which hadn't been in their own hands for far too long. They were enslaved by the wizards and she was going to change that.

 They were enslaved by the wizards and she was going to change that

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"Hermione!" Sam's voice interrupted the young woman's thoughts. She turned around to look at him. "Go!" He said. "Go now!"

The witch saw everybody in the room looking at her expectantly, waiting for her to either answer or leave the room and Helm's Deep immediately.

"Don't look at me like that." She looked around the fellowship, crossing her arms as well with a defiant attitude. "I'm staying." She noticed Aragorn lowering his head and closing his eyes in disappointment.

"I will not let you fight alone again." She added more softly as an explanation in his direction.

The strider lifted his head in surprise, when he heard the witch wanted to stay at his side. He looked deeply into her eyes, saying "It's alright, then stay." after taking a long breath of air. He clearly, didn't like the thought of Hermione staying and fighting, but he knew he couldn't talk her into leaving, so he accepted her wish.

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