Leaving the nest:)

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Milan POV

Oh my word I have so much packing to do. I'm really gonna have a hard time choosing the clothing that I'm gonna be taking with me immediately and the clothing that would be delivered to me at a later stage.

I'm Milan by the way, I'm South African born and raised. After seven long years of sleepless nights and crazy studying, I finished med-school. I'm sure you wondering why I am packing my clothing, I am gonna be making the biggest move of my life, I'm moving to Los Angeles,Calabasas to be more exact to fulfill my dreams of becoming the best ER doctor I can possibly be.

I'm single and I'm not sure if I'm ready to mingle. Thing is I was with a guy for two years and we just broke up recently because he slept with my best friend well now my ex best friend so I don't know if I can trust anyone just yet.

After hours and hours of packing, my closet was now half empty and I couldn't take anymore stuff with me. With the only remains being my now sheet less bed, my antique side lamps and dozens of J Cole posters that covered the dull white wallpaper of the room.

I sat on top of the bag and just looked around the now empty room. Oh my god I'm leaving my country. At least I will be staying with my sister Florence for a while in the states.

Lol yeah our mum named us after places in Italy, it still baffles me to this day...


LA here I come ,with my shy and introverted self!!!

Drake POV

"Hey babe, wake up" I whispered to the naked girl sleeping beside me. She's not my girl or anything if that's what you thinking, I'm calling her "babe" to mask the fact that I forgot her name.

I met her last night at the club party we put together to celebrate our last night in Toronto . We had been here for a month now just taking a break from work.
I had no big concerts to organise,no late nights in the studio and crazy promo's for albums.
Sadly our break has now drawn to a close and we going back to the YOLO estate to complete my latest album "Views from the six"

She gave a really good lap dance and the rest was history really.She is beautiful but she's nothing you and I haven't seen before. What I'm trying to say is that she isn't worthwhile.

"Babe wake up,its noon and I have a flight to catch "she stirred in her sleep and slowly opened her dark brown eyes.

" Oh hey I will just grab my stuff and leave "she said with her morning voice

I stood there looking at her, thing is I was shocked that she didn't beg or anything crazy like that, like she knew that we wouldn't be something more, unlike the other girls I've slept with....

"Hahaha Drake don't worry I'm not one of those girls that think they mean something to you, I'm just a one night fuck to you and it's the same with other rappers and athletes, i'm just gonna take my shit and leave "
She said with small smuck smile

She rolled off of bed and grabbed the clothing that was thrown carelessly across the suite floor.

To say I wasn't the slightest bit offended would be a lie, she made me sound like a heartless guy that doesn't have the slightest bit of respect for women.

Opposites do attract (An Aubrey Drake Graham fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now