Show me a good time

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After the awkward encounter at my sisters office, I decided to go a little easy on Aubrey and just go out for a couple of drinks. He sounded really sincere when he apologised and it really wasn't much of a big deal either. Plus it would be really weird if I stayed mad at him. Whoa there !!!! Why was I even mad at him in the first place?

It's Not Like I Like Him Or Anything...Right?

So a few hours ago I followed Aubrey and his friend Chubbs to a pub called Chill Pad which looked like it had been around for years as it had an old rustic feel to it,with wooden floors that corroborated my original idea of the place. This spot also had a modern twist. Although at first glance I didn't perceive Aubrey as a guy that frequented pubs, I'm done making assumptions about the guy, he is turning out to be very different to how I thought he would be. It's just that he seems more like a "club" going type of guy, being a rapper and all.

So after receiving a warm welcome from the owners of the place. I was able to gauge that the pub was a place very popular with the youth as it played really good chill music and was a more relaxed environment for those of us that didn't like being sandwiched between sweaty strangers .It was called Chill Pad after all . I learnt that it was a place that Aubrey and his friends liked to go to when the just wanted to hang out as boys and have a drink or two while catching a game of American football or European soccer after a strainous day.

Chubbs, Aubrey and I played a couple of rounds of pool, in which I sucked ass in,but my competitive nature didn't allow me to give up causing Aubrey to commend me for perseverance and also saying that I deserved an E For Effort . Throughout the games we all got to discuss our different careers and the pressures that came along with them. Aubrey also shared that the whole entertainment industry wasn't always glitter and sparkles ,but that he had to pay a hefty price for being in the lime light like losing his right to privacy and how they had to be careful of who they let into their circle as there were only a few people that came solely with good intentions.

We decided to sit down at the bar and order a couple of drinks, since I did ask Aubrey if he wanted to day drink back at the firm.

The pub had a remote few people in there as it wasn't even happy hour yet.

The guys went with Heineken while I decided to order some Captain Morgan and Coke. We sat by the bar and just spoke among myself, guys are super easy going hey, that's why I have always had guy friends. Less drama and pettiness.

"So Milan tell me about how it was growing up in South Africa?" Chubbs broke the silence that we had dipped into.

"Uhm well, it was good for the most part, but there are obviously some things that I didn't and still don't like about back home you know? But it's home and growing up there is something that I wouldn't trade for anything in the world. I'm sure that's how you guys feel about Canada." I said with a swig of my drink, that left a kind of burning sensation down my throat.

"Oh yes yes, growing up there was amazing, there are obviously a few things that rub me up the wrong way, but home is home" Aubrey said earning a nod from both, chubbs and I.

" You guys should come to South Africa hey, not for a show, but to see the real South Africa, I'm sure you will love, plus I think you can atleast learn about the different cultures and languages"

"Oh about that I've heard that yalls have about 9-10 languages out there, can you speak all of them?" Chubbs asked curiosly, I chuckled a bit because I felt like a history teacher or something although I do love telling people about where I come from. "There are actually eleven languages, Zulu which you guys probably know of and no chubbs I'm not Zulu in case you wondering" I said wiggling my eyebrows at him and he threw his hands in the air"Okay so there's Zulu, Afrikaans which is kinda like German and Dutch, Ndebele which is my language, but I can't really speak it." they both scowled at me with dissaproval causing me to roll my eyes.

"I don't speak it, because of where I grew up and there are actually a few people who lived around me that were Ndebele and could speak it, it's one of the most least spoken languages in South Africa" I explained myself and their expressions turned more understanding as they looked at me to continue. " And then there's Swati, Sotho, Setsawana, Venda ,Tshonga, Sepedi, Xhosa " I earned an exciting look from them as it was the language with the clicking sounds which isn't a sound that their tongues are used to " Wow that shit sounds cool" Chubbs said looking as happy as an 8 year old in a candy store. " It really is " I let out a breath that I didn't realise that I was holding from all my rambling " Oh yeah and English" I said

" Obviously" they both replied at the same time.

I didn't realise that I had downed a couple of those Captain Morgan And Coke glasses and I felt all relaxed as it felt like the cool liquid was running through my veins. It felt really good, so I continued downing the drink. YOLO right? I can't believe I just said that in my head, like who still uses this acronym in this day and age ,but you can't really blame me .I was sitting here with the King Of YOLO.

"So which languages can you speak was my actual question "

"Oh Afrikaans, Sepedi, Zulu, Setsawana and Sotho . When it comes to the other ones, I can only hear what they are saying, but I can't reply in those languages . Okay so now I feel like a teacher or something " I rolled my eyes at them. " You would make a great teacher though" Aubrey chipped in and I immediately gave him a raised eyebrow. " No but for real though" he continued. " Yeah you wouldn't be a bad teacher ey, now that Aubrey is saying it, it doesn't sound so bad." Chubbs backed his pal up. Teaching was just something that I had never envisioned myself doing. I hated school although I did well there, so why would I go back there? Plus I was super awkward around children. I don't even think I want kids...well at least not in the near future.

"No guys I'm super awkward around kids and I hated those twelve years that I was in school, so I would never take my ass back there. Oh and I held a baby once and she stared at me and started crying almost immediately so nah maybe in my next life. " they both shrugged and then chubbs pulled his vibrating phone out of his pocket and shot someone a text and Aubrey took that as an opportunity to play "Footsie" with me and for some reason I didn't move my legs away from him, which I think would be how I would normally react ,but gave him a disinterested look and a roll of the eyes. That didn't deter him as he continued and gave me his infamous smirk that caused his eyes to crinkle. Weakness! I somehow started blushing, my cheeks turning a crimson red, right in front of him, while Chubbs was texting on his phone, oblivious to what was happening right under his nose."You look cute when you blush." he whispered in my ear causing electric tingles to run down my spine, I had to close my eyes for a minute there to gain my sanity. I blame it on the A -A-Ah- Ah-Ah - Alcohol. Shout out to Jamie Foxx.

" Uhm I have to do a few things at home, so I could just go there and do that and you will call me when you need me to pick you up." Chubbs said looking at Aubrey while getting up from his chair and fixing his Top szn shirt.

"Uhm yeah su-" Aubrey tried responding to Chubbs, but I interjected for some reason." Nah that won't be necessary, I Will drop him off at the house if he is cool him" I said with the both of them giving me surprised looks, I surprised myself too! I guess I just wanted to chill with Aubrey for a while longer and didn't want to cause Chubbs a hassle, plus I know where his house is at ,so it shouldn't be much of an issue. " Uhm yeah thats cool with me " Aubrey said in a suggestive manner while scratching his stubble in thought, I wonder what he had on his mind.

"Uhm okay" Chubbs said looking all confused at the both of us "Aubrey I will see you at the house" he gave him a knowing smile causing me to chuckle" And Milan it was really nice meeting you" I stood up to give him a hug, but my balance wasnt quite in check .Okay maybe I had a little too much .The both of them both started laughing at my struggle. I flushed And giggled in a girly manner for some unknown reason and gave Chubbs a hug " So I guess I'm gonna have to drop her off, she can't drive like this "Aubrey said looking at me worriedly while licking his full lush pink lips, causing me to have a strange warm feeling in my centre. "Yalls will figure that one out, call me if you need me " Chubbs said walking out the bar. I walked back to my sit and stumbled on my step, but Aubrey almost immediately caught me and helped me back on my seat.

Aubrey snapped his head so we a were at eye level and looked my body up and down.

"Milan I think you drunk"

Opposites do attract (An Aubrey Drake Graham fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now