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"Milan wake the fuck up! "


" I'm up, I'm up, dammit Florence aghh" I groan and roll of my bed landing on the carpeted floor.

" Yeah well, I'm sorry to ruin your beauty sleep princess, but Maria is coming in a few hours so I just wanted to remind you to open the door for her when she arrives." Florence says leaning on the door frame cladded in a black and white power suit.

"Yeah well okay, so are you finally going to meet this very important client of yours? " I say to her, referring to a Vip client that she is supposedly appointed to represent at her law firm. She has been super excited and nervous to meet this person, she doesn't know the identity of the client until they meet up today.

" Yeah I'm excited, but nervous as well cause this is going to be a pivotal moment in my career,this will help build up my reputation and hopefully also my client base, I just hope everything goes smoothly" she says nervously...

Well if I didn't mention it already,Florence is an attorney and she has worked with big clients, but this is apparently the most biggest client she is going to be working with and she has been really nervous and stuff, it's quite shocking seeing that she is never really scared to take on challenges but I'm sure she will do well.

" Hey Florence, you are gonna do great, I know you are, come on now don't go all sissy on me. You are going to walk into that firm today and work your legal magic! The client is going to love you okay, just come down and listen to some Drake on your way there and you will be just fine" I say finally get up from the floor and heading to the doorway to give her a much-needed hug.

" Ncauww sis, thank you so much...Speaking about Drak-" her tone cutely turned from nervous to suggestive in a snap second.

" Florence, no I don't wanna talk about it, I mean I haven't spoken to the guy in two weeks."

"Who is counting?" Florence said sarcastically winking directly towards me, earning a scowl from me.

"Okay okay Milan, I'm sorry okay, you know what lemme leave before I get myself in to trouble."

Florence picked up her black leather suitcase that she had place in my doorway minutes ago.

"Yeah I think you should" I pushed her lightly out of my doorway and slammed the door in her face causing her to chuckle lightly.

" I love you too sis." she said faintly while she was making her way down the stairs, her heeled shoes pattering on the wood stairs causing an echoes throughout the large house.

"Yeah yeah " I whispered to myself.

I dragged my sock covered feet to the bathroom. I put my now unplaited curly and unruly hair into a messy bun and brushed my teeth and the rest of my hygiene routine. I went into the bedroom and made the bed after then grabbing my phone off of the nightstand I headed down the stairs to make myself a cup of coffee.

I got to the kitchen and right on cue someone rung the intercom from the outside,presumebly Maria our amazing helper.

I sauntered to the small screen apholstered right next to the front door, I pushed on the little Red button and the screen instantly came to life showing an image of Maria standing outside with a bucket of cleaning supplies in toe.

"Ola Maria" I spoke excitedly into the little intercom thingy whilst lightly pushing on a green button so she could hear my voice outside.

"Ola Milan " she said waving into the camera sheepishly as she couldn't see me, but knew that I was watching her from the outside, causing me to snicker a bit. I pushed my finger on the button again"Maria come in, I'm sure you freezing" I lifted my finger from the button and opened the gate for her to enter the premises.

I went to the coffee machine and started taking out all that I would need to make her and I a cup of coffee and I'm pretty sure she had been freezing in her way to work. The weather has been unforgiving lately and we had been experiencing large amounts of rainfall, which was apparently "not usual" for this time of the year. I blame it on all that Global warming stuff I had never really believed in, having a flashback of the day when our elementary school principal made all of us watch some boring global warming meeting movie.

Soon enough Maria walked into the room placing her trustee blue bucket on the floor before walking in my direction as I was pouring all the ingrieduents into the coffee machine.

"Maria!" I beamed and net her half way in the kitchen."Milan, how are you? " she asked me in her thick Spanish accent while pulling her long raven black hair into a tight bun, something that made it easier for her to work.

"I'm good thank you maria"i said into our little we had going on in the kitchen."How is everything going, how are the kids? " I asked her immediately earning a smile from her

Opposites do attract (An Aubrey Drake Graham fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now