Turn Around

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So here I was at Steins & Sons Enterprises and guess who opens the door to my sister's office? None other then

Aubrey Fucking Graham

I'm really starting to think that the universe has something against me. I only came here to quickly drop off some documents that Florence had forgotten at home and the first time that I decide to visit my amazing sister at her workplace, he just had to be there. I used a fucking GPS to get here, that's how unfamiliar I am with this place. So now the three of us were standing here just staring at each other blankly, well Aubrey and I were having a stare down while my childish sister was holding the most amused expression. She must be really pleased with herself.

"Oh my god you guys are so acting weird right now hahahaha" Florence said breaking the awkward silence we had going. "So Milan what's up, what are you doing here little sis?" Florence asked as she whisked away to the small leather couch in the corner of her office and sat on the arm rest looking at me expectedly .

"Well you dropped this" I said bending down and picking the documents that Aubrey had dropped minutes ago off the floor , handing them to him. "And I'm here to give you this paperwork you left at home." I lifted the paper up from behind me to give her a better view of the document. "So the real question here is what is he doing in your office?" I pointed over at Aubrey who was still standing in the doorway just staring blankly at my sister and I. He soon opened his mouth to speak, but my sister beat him to it "Uhm Milan your boyfriend here." Florence motioned over at Aubrey who gave her a funny look."Is the secret client I was telling you about. Suprise!"she shouted gulping down the big lump in her throat ,narrowing her eyes down at the both of us and then at floor. When none of us laughed or commented, her expression soon turned sour. "That was like a joke you guys dammit" she said punching the sofa with a loud thud."He isn't my boyfr-" I protested, but Aubrey interrupted me "Whoa whoa you guys are sisters?" he asked in disbelief while slowly walking back into the centre of the room whilst shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Yes" Florence and I answered in unison causing Aubreys eyes to widen immediately. Wasn't it obvious that we were related by now? Men seriously cannot read between the fucking lines!

"Small world" he chuckled ,pinching the bridge of his nose and taking glances at us. Florence was having a swell time, chuckling along with her client while I still held the same unamused expression ,puckering my lips and then sighing heavily at situation I found myself in. "Florence why didn't you tell me that you were family with her?" he asked Florence in an attempt to taunt me even further.... I was done with this! "Uhm Florence here are your papers." I said placing the papers on her desk."I'm out" I said giving both of them the peace sign "It was nice seeing you Aubrey and I will see you at home Florence." I waved at both of them,walking out the door as fast as my legs could take me.

I just want to escape the madness.

"Milan!" Aubrey yelled down the hallway causing me to speed my walk up even more.

"Milan come on!" he yelled again causing the whole firm to gaze at our interaction. He was embarrassing us, but I don't think it mattered to him."Milan Zulu!" he yelled yet again causing me to stop and throw my hands to my sides like a five year old. "What Aubrey?" I half yelled at him as he caught up to me placing his hands on my arms,breathing heavily. "Can we like talk outside please?I think I have done enough embarrassing for a day" he begged.

"Whatever okay." I said walking out the automated sliding doors with Aubrey trailing well behind me. I continued walking until I reached my car ,leaning on the drivers door to hear him out."So how have you been?" he asked me earning a scowl and an audible scoff. "Come on Lani." he sighed defeatedly ".Okay I guess making small talk is out of the question so I guess I may have to explain myself."That was the first right thing he has said today."So you know how two weeks ago when we went out on a date-" he started.

"Lunch." I corrected him with my arms folded with a disinterested look in place."Yeah well whatever. So I beat the guy up that day right?" I gave him a nod to signal him to continue on."The guy decided to open up a case against me which your amazing sister is helping me out with okay. So management took my phone and I wasn't really allowed to communicate with anyone besides my amazing mother." Ncaaw boys and their mum's. "If you have me on social media you will also be able to see that I haven't posted anything in two weeks. So what I'm basically tryna say here is that I was on a little PR hiatus until the dust settled." he said scratching his beard, which was something that I noticed the last time we were together, he did when he was nervous. He was Drake and he didn't really have to explain himself to me,but he did ! So it really meant a lot to me so I just gave him a calming smile in response, that he returned seconds later.

"Are you busy Aubrey? "

"Nah" he said grinning at me.

"Wanna day drink?"

"Why not?"

Opposites do attract (An Aubrey Drake Graham fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now