Chapter 35

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Hello everyone.

I am so happy right now and only because of you all, who are voting and commenting on my story and helping me to grow.

I am so thankful for the encouragement, please keep on encouraging me. You people are the best; I love you all so much.

If I keep getting the good response, I will be updating regularly.

Anyways don’t forget to vote and also comment.

Thank you


Sharon’s POV

I was still sitting on the floor, shocked and heartbroken, I was upset with myself for tolerating this nonsense for this long but I didn’t have much choice. I was forced to live this life but not anymore I have found a way out and no matter what I will not let any one stop me.

With new found courage I forced myself to get up and wiped my tears that have fallen after hearing Ashton’s plans, he can’t force me to live with him forever, I cannot let that happen. With determination I made my way in the direction of the hall.

When I entered the hall I saw Martha, she looked tensed the moment she saw me she almost ran towards me.

“Where were you?” she asked worriedly.

“With Ashton” I said.

“Ok I want to talk to you about something important” she said fearfully.

Without waiting for the reply she dragged me along with her and we were now in the kitchen, she was almost breathless, she took few seconds to calm herself, and then looked at me and smiled. She then ordered her assistant or helpers to leave the kitchen. Her action startled me a little.

The moment her assistant left she locked the kitchen door and came towards me and motioned towards table that sat in the corner of the kitchen along with four chairs, we were now sitting opposite to each other.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, I could no longer control my desperation to know what’s going on.

“Listen to me very carefully Sharon” Martha said firmly and continued “You will be moving tomorrow along with Ashton and he is planning something ruthless” she said and paused again ‘What now’ I thought she looked at me carefully and said “He is planning a wedding” she said and paused waiting for me to breakdown or react but she was not aware of the fact that I already knew that piece of information.

“I know” I said sorrowfully.

“You knew?” she asked looking shocked.

“Yeah, he just told me about that” I said and a silent tear escaped my eyes I quickly wiped it.

“Don’t worry sweetie, it’s not going to happen” she said assuring me.

It surprised me.

“How?” I asked.

Before she could answer me a violent knock disturbed us.

“When car stops, without wasting any second get out of the car and run like you are on fire, stop for nothing, nothing at all” she said quickly and got up and unlocked the door soon Ashton stormed into the kitchen looking furious.

I didn’t bother to get up I was taken aback by her words, ‘what is she talking about?’ I thought, I could see Ashton lips moving, he was talking to me but I couldn’t hear anything, I looked over Martha she was standing behind Ashton mouthing me something.

Suddenly it hit me that she was talking about the running away, but I already told her that can’t happen I cannot risk my family’s lives. I should stop her, this cannot happen.

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