Chapter 11

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Hey guys here comes chapter 11. 

Hope you guys enjoy it. 

Plz vote and comment 


Sharon's POV 

I was lying on the bed and crying and suddenly I felt someone's hand over my waist I turned around and saw Ashton lying beside me, I quickly got up and got out of the bed. 

"Don't you dare touch me" I yelled. 

"What's wrong?" he asked. 

"What's wrong? Can't you see everything is wrong" I cried. 

"Everything will be fine come on you need to take some rest" he said calmly. 

"Nothing is fine and nothing will be fine Ashton, you are a murderer, y --you killed a person and you are acting like nothing has happened" I said. 

"Don't call me a murderer" He shouted. 

"You are a murderer Ashton" I shouted back. 

He too got out of the bed and was standing in front of me I was not scared this time I was ready to face whatever was coming. He didn't say anything but was looking at me furiously like he would kill me but I knew he will not kill me but he can definitely harm me with his psychopath tricks. 

"So you think I am a murderer?" he said. 

"Yes" I said. 

He kept quiet and pulled out his phone from his pocket and dialed some number and looked at me. 

"Kill the brother" he ordered and disconnected the call. 

I stood there watching him with blank expression on my face and then his words were repeating in my mind 'Kill the brother' 'kill the brother' 

"Ken" I whispered. 

"Yes" he replied. 

I was standing there in disbelief and was consoling myself that it is not happening for real; I was seeing Ken's face clearly right in front of my eyes. I realized then that this all is real and Ashton has ordered his men to kill my brother. 

I went towards him and got down on my knees and I was holding his leg with my both hands and started begging to him. 

"Plz don't kill my brother plz" I begged. 

"But I am a murderer right? That is what I do. Kill people" he said casually as if nothing of this meant him anything. 

"No you are not I am sorry" I again begged. 

"What did you just say?" he asked, I know heard what I said and I even know why he was acting like he didn't heard it. 

"I am sorry you are not a murderer" I said again. 

"Get up" he said. 

I quickly got up I didn't want to make him angry anymore I just wanted to save my brother. 

"Say I love you" he said. 

"What?" I asked in disbelief. 

"You have always told me how much you hated me now I want you to tell me I love you" he said. 

"But I don't---"before I could complete, he interfered. 

"Think before you tell anything" he said it was like a warning given by him to me telling me indirectly to do what he wants me to do, without thinking anymore I said what he wanted me to say. 

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