Chapter 1

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Hey guys this is my first story I hope u guys like it :)

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Sharon's POV

Beep beep beep beeepppppp(alarm)

"Oh Shit!!! I am late again" it was 7:30 and I was getting late for school. Gosh mom is going to kill me I am late again. I quickly took a bath and got ready for the school. I wore skinny blue jeans and a yellow top and converse. I curled my hair and left it loose and did a bit of makeup.

I saw myself one last time in the mirror and was satisfied with the way I looked. I went down to the dining area and saw my brother Ken eating his breakfast. Ken is my younger brother.

"Mom is pissed, you are late again." he said grinning. Oh I hate him so much when he does that. He enjoys seeing me scared. I was very scared mom will kill me today. This was the fifth time I was getting late in this weak.

"Oh so finally you got ready" mom said as she entered the dining area, I was scared and didn't answer her.

"Come on Sharon this is the fifth time you are getting late for the school, have some sense of responsibility dear" mom said calmly.

"I am sorry mom, it will not happen again I promise" I said, and I really hoped it will not happen again. I have to go on date with by boyfriend Jason this weekend and I really can't take the risk of annoying my mom or else she will not let me out with Jason.

Jason and I go to same school and we are almost together in every class. We both are madly in love with each other. Jason is cute handsome exactly my type of a guy, he is very popular guy in the school and girls dream about him, But he is mine. Gosh I really want to get married to him some day.

"Sharon come on mom is dropping us" Ken shouted. I quickly took my things and made my way out mom and Ken was waiting in the car for me. Mom was talking on phone. Without looking at her I quickly took my seat in the car.

"It was your Dad" mom said. "He will not be coming this weak" mom continued.

"WHY???" I asked panicking. My dad always saved me from mom's scolding and helped me every time. I needed him this week, I really want to go out with Jason and only he can convince my mom. OH shit, what am I going to do now?

"He got stuck in a meeting dear" mom said. I think now I have to convince her for letting me go out with Jason. Since Dad is not here to do that for me.

"Mom" I said as normal as possible hiding the panic in my voice.

"Yes Dear" mom said. Ok mom is in a good mood and not angry anymore I think I can take a chance right I thought.

"I want to talk about something" I said.

"Yea sure dear tell me" mom said.

"Mom me and Jason were planning to go on date this Saturday, I promise mom I won't be late I'll be back on time and will be decent please let me go out with Jason" I said. She looked shocked and surprised and looked at me for a minute or two and said "NO".

"What!! NO but why!!" I shouted.

She again looked at me and said "You know why I am saying no to you dear" she said in a worried voice.

"Mom trust me nothing will happen please mom let me go I really love him" I said pleading.

"I trust u dear but not him" mom said calmly.

"Mom Jason is not a bad guy he will not cause any harm to me please mom please" I said begging her.

"I am not talking about Jason I trust him, I am talking about—" she paused and saw me and said "about the guy who is stalking you.

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