Chapter 37

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Here comes yet another chapter of PK I hope you all are enjoying the story, please keep on encouraging me by commenting and voting for the story.

Your comments and votes really matters a lot to me, it keeps me on going and updating.

Anyways I will not bore you any further.





Sharon’s POV

I was exhausted; my legs were crying in pain and begging me to stop but every second I struggled with myself to run further more. It’s been fifteen minutes from the time when I left the car. I couldn’t see anyone.

I looked back to see if Ashton was still following me thankfully he was not I couldn’t see the car or him. I immediately thanked God. I was slowing down now. I stopped for a second to catch my breath suddenly I heard a vehicle approaching towards me.

I was scared to even blink, I didn’t move and standing in the middle of the road I could see a van coming right where I was standing, realization hit me this time and I forced myself to run and use whatever energy was remaining in my body.

Please God help me, I chanted in my head while I was still running for my life. I couldn’t run anymore I was slowing down again before I could push myself to run any further. The van was really close to me now.

I looked at the van to see who was in there but the windows were tinted black, it scared the hell out of me and I tried to speed up. I now heard the sound of slide door of the van opening before I could react I was pulled in the van forcefully.

I landed on my butt and yelped in pain, but soon collided on someone’s chest. I didn’t have anyone with which I can protect myself so I started hitting the person in chest with my hands with full power.

“Ouch! That hurts babe” the most incredibly voice said.

I immediately freed myself and looked at Jason who was smiling beautifully at me.

“Jason” I said in relief and happiness.

I instantly hugged him. Oh God it felt so good. I felt safe, protected and calm.

“God I missed you so much” I said still hugging him.

“I missed you more” he said soothingly and pulled away.

“I missed you too darling” said a strong and deep voice.

I turned my head to the direction from where the voice came.

“Dad” I shouted and hugged him immediately, though he was driving he somehow managed to hug me back.

“How long I have waited to hear you say that” he said sadly.

“I can’t believe this is happening” I said cheerfully.

“Believe it” said Jason.

I turned towards him and smiled. He was smiling at me too but soon his smile turned into frown. He slowly moved a thick piece of hair from my face and carefully traced his fingers on my cheek. I winced in pain.

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